In showing how an enzyme halts cell division by producing reactive oxygen species, scientists shed new light on the biology of aging and related diseases.
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Hosted by John Lewis of Oisin. Panel title: “A Therapeutic Revolution Against Aging”.
Aubrey de Grey, Judy Campisi, Nir Barzilai in a panel titled “A Therapeutic Revolution Against Aging”. Hosted by John Lewis of Oisin.
This was an excellent panel! Topics included Yamanaka factors, epigenetic rollback, partial reprogramming and many more. Judy disagreed with Aubrey on the nature of aging, Nir brought up a great point about the secret to rejuvenation lying in uncovering just how a 50-year old egg cell becomes a new rejuvenated baby, and even a paper on Jeanne Calment was mentioned!
Михаил Батин, I even filmed the audience several times — just for you! 😁.
As your body ages, increasing amounts of your cells enter into a state of senescence. Senescent cells do not divide or support the tissues of which they are part; instead, they emit a range of potentially harmful chemical signals that encourage nearby cells to enter the same senescent state.
Their presence causes many problems: they degrade tissue function, increase levels of chronic inflammation, and can even eventually raise the risk of cancer. Today, we will talk about what senescent cells are, how they contribute to age-related diseases, and, perhaps most importantly, what science is hoping to do about the problem.
We’ll be honest, over the years on Translogic we’ve featured a lot of potentially scary tech. Like in many facets of life though, often the things that seem the most frightening actually turn out to be some of the most incredible. On this episode, we’ve hit new heights of both fear and amazement as our host Bucko actually gets to drive a fully functional, bipedal, outrageously badass mech suit. Stop reading. Just watch.
- The Dutch company Beladon is opening the world’s first floating dairy farm in the Netherlands.
- Located in Rotterdam, the farm will house 40 cows in a high-tech facility on the water.
- Minke van Wingerden, one of the project’s leaders, told Business Insider that the farm will produce an average of 211 gallons of milk each day.
- Most of the cows’ food will come from city waste products, such as grains left over from local breweries and by-products from mills.
- Beladon is also interested in launching floating chicken farms and floating vertical farming greenhouses.
A Dutch company is set to debut the world’s first floating dairy farm near Amsterdam.
A high-tech, multilevel facility will soon be floating in the water in Rotterdam, located roughly 50 miles outside of Amsterdam. Minke van Wingerden, a partner at the property development company Beladon, told Business Insider that the 89-by-89 foot farm will produce an average of 211 gallons of milk each day.
Ending Age-Related Diseases — October 3, 2018.
This is a video from the Ending Age-Related Diseases 2018 conference, which was held earlier this year at the Cooper Union in New York City. The conference was designed to bring the worlds of research and investment together in one place and explore the progress and challenges that the industry faces in developing and funding therapies to end age-related disease.
This was the second panel during the conference and featured Dr. Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Research Foundation, Keith Comito of, Dr. James Peyer of Apollo Ventures, Dr. Mark Hammond of Deep Science Ventures, Joe Betts Lacroix of Y Combinator and Vium, Dr. Oliver Medvedik of and The Cooper Union, and Ramphis Castro of ScienceVest.
Life Extension Advocacy Foundation Website —
Instead, the body of the Lamborghini Terzo Millennio concept car, made from exotic carbon nanotubes, would be used as a supercapacitor. Supercapacitors store and release energy in a manner different from that employed by batteries. They have certain advantages, but also serious disadvantages.
It could be years, if ever, before scientists from MIT and Lamborghini, which is part of the Volkswagen Group ( VLKAF ), can overcome the downsides. But the effort would be worth it, said Mauricio Reggiani, Lamborghini’s head of research and development.
“At the moment, we are really optimistic,” he said.
Desperately cold weather is now gripping the Midwest and Northern Plains of the United States, as well as interior Canada. The culprit is a familiar one: the polar vortex.
A large area of low pressure and extremely cold air usually swirls over the Arctic, with strong counter-clockwise winds that trap the cold around the Pole. But disturbances in the jet stream and the intrusion of warmer mid-latitude air masses can disturb this polar vortex and make it unstable, sending Arctic air south into middle latitudes.