TAE Technologies has also looked at building a nuclear fusion rocket. Nextbigfuture had covered TAE Technologies recent announcement that they will have a commercial nuclear fusion rocket by 2023.
The AIP Conference Proceedings 2004 – Colliding Beam Fusion Reactor Space Propulsion System
The Colliding Beam Fusion Reactor (CBFR( requires approximately 50 MW of injected power for steady-state operation. The H-B11 CBFR would generate approximately 77 MW of nuclear (particle) power, half of which is recovered in the direct-energy converter with 90% efficiency. An additional 11.5 MW are needed to sustain the reactor which is provided by the thermo-electric converter and Brayton-heat engine. The principal source of heat in the CBFR-SPS is due to Bremstrahlung radiation. The thermo-electric converter recovers approximately 20% of the radiation, or 4.6 MW, transferring approximately 18.2 MW to the closed-cycle, Brayton-heat engine.
NAIROBI — Countries must agree strict rules on “killer robots” — autonomous weapons which can assassinate without human involvement, a top Red Cross official has said, amid growing ethical concerns over their use in future wars.
Semi-autonomous weapons systems from drones to tanks have for decades been used to eliminate targets in modern day warfare — but they all have human control behind them.
With rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, there are fears among humanitarians over its use to develop machines which can independently make the decision about who to kill.
Early Bird ends soon!
Have you got your tickets yet? If not, then you just have a few days to do so and save €200.
After the incredible success of the 2018 Undoing Aging Conference with 350 participants from 36 countries and over 40 brilliant speakers,\xA0 SENS Research Foundation \xA0and Michael Greve’s\xA0 Forever Healthy Foundation \xA0 are pleased to announce that Undoing Aging 2019 will take place in Berlin at the Umspannwerk Alexanderplatz from March, 28 to 30.\xA0.
The annual Undoing Aging conference is focused on the cellular and molecular repair of age-related damage as the basis of therapies to bring aging under full medical control. Unding Aging 2019 will again focus on\xA0bringing together scientists and startups from around the globe in their r espective fields, who are leading the charge in maintaining and restoring full health in old age.
Scientists analyzed the gamma rays emitted during the NPDGamma Experiment and found parity-violating asymmetry, which is a specific change in behavior in the force between a neutron and a proton. They measured a 30 parts per billion preference for gamma rays to be emitted antiparallel to the neutron spin when neutrons are captured by protons in liquid hydrogen. After observing that more gammas go down than up, the experiment resolved for the first time a mirror-asymmetric component or handedness of the weak force. Credit: Andy Sproles/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy.
ORNL’s Communications team works with news media seeking information about the laboratory. Media may use the resources listed below or send questions to [email protected].
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A new wearable patch can monitor your health through your sweat.
Fitness and health trackers are everywhere, but most of them are limited to collecting data on your heartbeat, how much your moving and information you manually input to their paired apps.
That’s helpful if you’re trying to get in shape, but for people suffering from chronic conditions and diseases — like kidney disease or cystic fibrosis — more exact and frequent analyses could alert them to life-endangering changes.
The Future Yet To Be Imagined
Posted in economics, education, employment
Ladies Monday with Cindy Rampersaud.
How do we prepare young people for jobs that do not yet exist?
Global changes in technology, population and urbanisation are impacting the educational landscape. The role of skill-based education is now critical for many economies. Getting it right is essential for the economic and social aspirations of individuals, communities, employers, economies.
Saying farewell to coffee isn’t that easy. According to research about three-fifths of all our beloved coffee species are going to go extinct. This is a phenomenal amount of coffee that we risk losing.
Here’s something to think about as you sip that morning mochaccino:?Deforestation, climate change and the proliferation of pests and fungal pathogens are putting most of the world’s wild coffee species at risk of extinction.
At least 60 percent of wild coffee species are considered “threatened,” according to a study published this week in Science Advances. And fewer than half of all the wild species are safeguarded in so-called germplasm collections—banks for seed and living plants kept in protected areas as backups.