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The Rise of the Robot Reporter
Posted in robotics/AI
Posted in robotics/AI
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory says it does not expect to receive any more transmissions from the MarCO CubeSats that accompanied the Insight lander to Mars last year. The two tiny spacecraft, which relayed Insight’s descent signal back to Earth in real time, have not been heard from in more than a month.
Robots are already capable of doing many things for us. As this video shows, mobile robots can be used to automate tasks in the lab. They use tags and picture recognition to handle items. The robots are also capable of accessing lab devices.
More like this ➡️ here.
Posted in futurism
A Chinese satellite currently orbiting the moon has captured a beautiful photo showing both the far side (AKA dark side) of the Moon as well as planet Earth in the background.
The Dwingeloo Radio Observatory in the Netherlands reports that the photo was captured by China’s Longjiang-2 satellite on February 3rd, 2019.