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At Undoing Aging 2019, we interviewed some of the best researchers who are involved in discovering therapies for the root causes of aging. Their research aims to ameliorate the damages of aging and may one day lead to a future without age-related diseases.

We even had the chance to interview the well-known Dr. Aubrey de Grey, whose organization, the SENS Research Foundation, partnered with Forever Healthy Foundation to make Undoing Aging 2019 a reality. We asked him questions about how far SENS has come as an organization and what we can expect from future conferences.

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It’s the first-ever quantification of the damage caused by plastic pollution on a global scale.

Global plastic pollution and the damage it causes to marine ecosystems now has a price tag attached to it. A team of researchers from the UK and Norway analyzed the many ways in which plastic pollution damages or destroys natural resources, and came up with a staggering figure – $2.5 billion – as the annual cost to society.

Much of our current understanding about plastic pollution is on a local level that cannot be interpreted easily on a global scale; and yet, this is a global threat. An estimated 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually, and because of its material persistence and ability to disperse widely, must be viewed from a broader perspective if we hope to tackle it effectively. The researchers, whose study was just published in Marine Pollution Bulletin, looked at the many ways in which marine ecosystems benefit the planet, including food provision for billions of people, carbon storage, waste detoxification, and cultural benefits (recreational and spiritual). When these benefits are threatened by the presence of plastic, it “has the potential to significantly impact the wellbeing of humans across the globe, owing to the loss of food security, livelihoods, income and good health.”

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But not everyone is on board.

“The use of transgenic monkeys to study human genes linked to brain evolution is a very risky road to take,” University of Colorado geneticist James Sikela told the MIT Technology Review. “It is a classic slippery slope issue and one that we can expect to recur as this type of research is pursued.”

Pinpointing the gene’s role in intelligence could help scientists understand how humans evolved to be so smart, MIT Tech reports.

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In April 2017, scientists used a global network of telescopes to see and capture the first-ever picture of a black hole, according to an announcement by researchers at the National Science Foundation Wednesday morning. They captured an image of the supermassive black hole and its shadow at the center of a galaxy known as M87.

This is the first direct visual evidence that black holes exist, the researchers said. In the image, a central dark region is encapsulated by a ring of light that looks brighter on one side.

The massive galaxy, called Messier 87 or M87, is near the Virgo galaxy cluster 55 million light-years from Earth. The supermassive black hole has a mass that is 6.5 billion times that of our sun.

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A century after Nikola Tesla’s famous Wardenclyffe tower was dismantled, the legacy of the world’s greatest inventor lives on in the form of a new project which aims to develop wireless power transmission and a host of other communications and energy functions.

Strikingly similar to the Wardenclyffe tower, a new facility has gone up along a major transit route in the town of Milford, Texas. Built and operated by a company called Visiv Technologies, the tower is designed for precisely the same functions as the original Tesla tower, that is, for wireless communications and the transmission of electricity through air via low-frequency radio waves known as ‘surface waves.’

“We’re focusing early-on, on continuous signaling, things like regional GPS, radio navigation and broadcast signaling,” said Michael Taylor of Viziv Technologies. [Source].

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On 10 April 2019 at 15:00 CEST (Brussels time) the European Commission will present a ground-breaking discovery by Event Horizon Telescope — an international scientific collaboration aiming to capture the first image of a black hole by creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope. EU-funded researchers play a key role in the project.

Six press conferences around the world will take place simultaneously In Europe, Commissioner Moedas and lead scientists funded by the European Research Council will hold a press conference in Brussels to unveil the discovery.

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“Ruby, along with her company Applied Stem Cell, is one of the world’s most respected experts in gene editing. We are delighted to be working with her on our ambitious project to transform the potential of somatic gene therapy, in terms of both its safety from creating unwanted mutations and its efficacy in delivering large amounts of DNA, which is founded on some pioneering work at Stanford in which she was also heavily involved.” says Aubrey de Grey.…b5IQ0dQ64s

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Happy to announce the public release of the Forever Healthy Compounds library.

Targeted supplementation is one of the building blocks of our Maximizing Health initiative.

However, when building and documenting our individual supplement stacks, we found it quite inconvenient that no single website could be used as a reference for all the compounds that we are using.

Thus we created the Forever Healthy Compounds library as a stable and complete reference for those compounds.