Homeless free-floating planets are likely to be rampant within the Milky Way, says new study. Young, dense loose clusters of stars are pretty raucous places early in their evolution.
NEW YORK (AP) — Did you hear what happened when Bill Gates walked into a bar? Everybody there immediately became millionaires — on average.
That joke about a very rich man is an old one among statisticians. So why did Peter Smibert use it to explain a revolution in biology?
Because it shows averages can be misleading. And Smibert, of the New York Genome Center, says that includes when scientists are trying to understand the basic unit of life, the cell.
Infections with BMMF („Bovine Milk and Meat Factors ) in humans provide a clue, why the consumption of cow milk and meat correlates with colon and breast cancers.
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Division episomal‐persistent DNA in cancer‐ and chronic diseases, deutsches krebsforschungszentrum, heidelberg, germany.
Correspondence to: Harald zur Hausen, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany, E‐mail:
Find out how you can submit original artwork for our Astronaut Crew Quarters, one of the places where crew members will spend time before heading out to the launch pad: https://go.nasa.gov/2TxmBYq
How do you find something you can’t see? Japanese astronomers have hunted a hidden black hole by observing the movement of a cloud of gas it is consuming, located 25,000 light-years away from Earth. This is the first intermediate-sized black hole ever found, giving clues to how black holes merge and grow.