We’ve already heard about flexible so-called “electronic tattoos,” which are a more comfortable and longer-wearing alternative to the rigid electrodes traditionally used to monitor cardiac patients’ hearts. A new one is claimed to be more accurate than others, however, as it tracks heart health in two ways.
22 thoughts on “Sonoluminescence”
Posted in futurism
Sonoluminescence is one of those strange phenomenon that many would never encounter outside an academic environment. For those who have never heard of it, Sonoluminescence is when tiny bubbles suspended in a liquid emit light while being vibrated at certain frequencies. We were pleased to see that some plans are out there on how to build your own device to produce it.
[via io9].
The future of medicine is not fixing what is broken, it’s preventing things from getting broken in the first place.
The leading cause of death in Texas is heart disease, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, accounting for more than 45,000 deaths statewide in 2017. A new wearable technology made from stretchy, lightweight material could make heart health monitoring easier and more accurate than existing electrocardiograph machines—a technology that has changed little in almost a century.
Developed by engineers at The University of Texas at Austin and led by Nanshu Lu in the Cockrell School of Engineering, this is the latest incarnation of Lu’s electronic tattoo technology, a graphene-based wearable device that can be placed on the skin to measure a variety of body responses, from electrical to biomechanical signals.
The research team reported on their newest e-tattoo in a recent issue of Advanced Science.
More than three decades ago, scientists discovered that a chemical found in a synthetic opioid, MPTP, induced the onset of a form of Parkinson’s disease. In a new study led by scientists from the School of Veterinary Medicine, researchers found that an enzyme in the body can metabolize compounds formed in the brain from alkaloids present in certain foods and tobacco into MPTP-like chemicals, triggering a neurodegenerative condition in mice.
The researchers, led by Narayan Avadhani and Mrittika Chattopadhyay, suggest that the enzyme, mitochondrial CYP2D6, presents a potentially powerful new target for Parkinson’s treatment.
“Over the past two or three decades, researchers have tried inhibiting the process by which they believed MPTP was metabolized, with mixed success,” says Avadhani. “We believe that mitochondrial CYP2D6 is the more direct drug target, which might prove better in treating idiopathic Parkinson’s disease.”
Scientists at Lancaster University have announced that they have invented an electronic memory device that realises the dream of universal memory – a previously hypothetical technology long considered to be revolutionary for the industry.
Universal memory is a computer data storage technology that until now has been purely conceptual, combining the speed and low cost of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) and the stability of flash memory. This also would result in significantly lower power consumption.
It had been considered impossible by some in the field, but scientists at Lancaster University say that the electronic memory device they have invented and patented is the realisation of the universal memory dream.
When Gravity Breaks Down
Posted in quantum physics
By adulthood, the heart is no longer able to replenish injured or diseased cells. As a result, heart disease or an event like a heart attack can be disastrous, leading to massive cell death and permanent declines in function. A new study by scientists at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University (LKSOM), however, shows that it may be possible to reverse this damage and restore heart function, even after a severe heart attack.
The study, published June 21 in the print edition of the journal Circulation Research, is the first to show that a very small RNA molecule known as miR-294, when introduced into heart cells, can reactivate heart cell proliferation and improve heart function in mice that have suffered the equivalent of a heart attack in humans.
“In previous work, we discovered that miR-294 actively regulates the cell cycle in the developing heart,” said Mohsin Khan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology at the Center for Metabolic Disease Research at LKSOM. “But shortly after birth miR-294 is no longer expressed.”
The diabetes drug metformin, sometimes taken to slow aging, may blunt the health benefits of exercise.
Crypto news: Facebook” s Libra, a new cryptocurrency is announced as a peer-to-peer payment within messenger apps. Cross-border transactions near zero fees is a major step towards the Global Brain.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the smartest species of them all?”
“You, oh Homo Sapiens, are smart, it is true. But AI will be smarter even than you.”
The most popular myth about technology is perhaps the myth that technology is a crystal ball. A crystal ball because it allegedly allows us to see the future. And to evaluate if that is indeed true, or not, we have to understand the etymology of the word technology – what it means and stands for, or at least what it used to mean and stand for.