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Nov 18, 2018
Hidden in a distant galaxy cluster collision are wisps of gas resembling the starship Enterprise from Star Trek
Posted by Michael Lance in category: space
There are many types of surgery for sleep apnea. Your doctor might recommend one of them if other treatments, such as oxygen therapy or a CPAP machine, aren’t working for you. We’ll go over the different surgical options, including how they’re done, which ones are most effective, and their risks.
Nov 18, 2018
Robotic Russian Cargo Ship Delivers Tons of Supplies to Space Station
Posted by Genevieve Klien in categories: robotics/AI, space, transportation
An uncrewed Russian cargo ship linked up with the International Space Station Sunday (Nov. 18) to deliver nearly 3 tons of supplies for the orbiting lab.
The resupply ship, called Progress 71, docked at the space station at 2:28 p.m. EST (1928 GMT) as both spacecraft sailed 252 miles (405 kilometers) over Algeria. Progress 71 launched into orbit Friday (Nov. 16) from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
“A textbook journey for the Progress,” NASA spokesperson Rob Navias said during live commentary. [The Space Station’s Robotic Cargo Ship Fleet in Pictures].
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In 1922 scientists went to a hospital ward with diabetic children, most of them comatose and dying from diabetic keto-acidosis (DKA). This is known as one of medicine’s most incredible moments. Imagine a room full of parents sitting at the bedside waiting for the inevitable death of their child.
Nov 18, 2018
Nebtrion: Dawn of a Cyborg Religion
Posted by B.J. Murphy in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, sex
What are the values of religion in the 21st century? As we continue accelerating towards a new scientific and technological era, it shouldn’t be a surprise to find an increasing number of people adhering to secular values and skeptical critical thinking. But then religion persists. Interestingly, while newer religions are emerging, they’re subsequently accommodating this new era into their philosophical belief structure.
In this cyborg religion, being against science and technology is a sin! Then again, so is having sex and doing drugs. Bummer!
Nov 18, 2018
Using Wi-Fi to “see” behind closed doors is easier than anyone thought
Posted by Shane Hinshaw in categories: internet, mobile phones
With nothing but a smartphone and some clever computation, researchers can exploit ambient signals to track individuals in their own homes.
Nov 18, 2018
Minnesota Researcher Maintains Telescope In Antarctica
Posted by Genevieve Klien in category: space
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — An astrophysicist from the University of Minnesota who has spent 14 winters in Antarctica tending to a telescope plans to step away from his research after the instrument is replaced.
Minnesota Public Radio reports that the university will begin the replacing the telescope and mount at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station this month.
University astrophysicist Robert Schwarz says he’ll stay through the replacement process but doesn’t plan to return. He’s overseen the telescope maintenance, trekking out in temperatures as low as minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit to check on the instrument.
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Nov 18, 2018
A New Discovery by the LHC Hints at Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Posted by Genevieve Klien in category: physics
Nov 18, 2018
Surprising Study: Orangutans Are Only Non-Human Primates Who Can ‘Talk’ About the Past
Posted by Mike Ruban in category: futurism
We already know that orangutans are some of the smartest land animals on Earth. Now, researchers have found evidence that these amazing apes can communicate about past events—the first time this trait has been observed in a non-human primate.
A new study published in the journal Science Advances revealed that when wild Sumatran orangutan mothers spotted a predator, they suppressed their alarm calls to others until the threat was no longer there.