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Feb 14, 2019

PH has brainpower for a space agency: DOST officials

Posted by in categories: engineering, neuroscience, space

Alvin Retamar, Chief Science Research Specialist and Project Leader of Philippine Earth Data Resource and Observation Center (PEDRO) said some institutions they have been helping are even calling for higher level training in the space sciences.

“In some areas where we are providing support they are already keen on developing aerospace engineering degree programs,” Retamar said.

Original post from ABS-CBN News

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Feb 14, 2019

Happy V Day!

Posted by in categories: alien life, evolution, information science, quantum physics

Love: The Glue That Holds the Universe Together. “Love contrasts with fear, light with dark, black implies white, self implies other, suffering implies ecstasy, death implies life. We can devise and apprehend something only in terms of what it is not. This is the cosmic binary code: Ying/Yang, True/False, Infinite/Finite, Masculine/Feminine, On/Off, Yes/No… There are really only two opposing forces at play: love as universal integrating force and fear as universal disintegrating force… Like in Conway’s Game of Life information flows along the path of the least resistance influenced by the bigger motivator – either love factor of fear factor (or, rather, their sophisticated gradients like pleasure and pain) – Go or No go. Love and its contrasting opposite fear is what makes us feel alive… Love is recognized self-similarity in the other, a fractal algorithm of the least resistance. And love, as the finest intelligence, is obviously an extreme form of collaboration… collectively ascending to higher love, “becoming one planet of love.” Love is the glue that holds the Universe together…” –Excerpt from ‘The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution’ by Alex Vikoulov, available now on Amazon.

#SyntellectHypothesis #AlexVikoulov #Love

P.S. Extra For Digitalists: “In this quantum [computational] multiverse the essence of digital IS quantum entanglement. The totality of your digital reality is what your conscious mind implicitly or explicitly chooses to experience out of the infinite -\-\ a cocktail of love response and fear response.”

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Feb 14, 2019

Economic Collapse in 2019?

Posted by in categories: economics, finance

I agree with the need to prepare.

Yea…maybe. We may see a US stock market crash this year. Truth is we are way over do for a market correction and when it does hit, this may cause a major financial crisis and recession in the US and globally. Are you prepared? 🤔

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Feb 14, 2019

Scientists Are Using AI to Find Hotel Rooms Being Used for Child Sex Trafficking

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, sex

It hasn’t been determined whether it led to any rescues yet.

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Feb 14, 2019

Pregnant Women Are Being Targeted by Antivax Ads Online During a Measles Outbreak

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Facebook is aggressively being used by anti-vaccination advocates to target pregnant women with sponsored advertisements to spread false information and conspiracy theories as the US battles a climbing measles outbreak.

A sponsored ad found by Quartz journalist Jeremy Merrill shows the anti-vaccination organisation Stop Mandatory Vaccination targeting women ages 20 to 60 who have expressed interest in pregnancy living in the state of Washington – where the governor recently declared a state of emergency over the measles outbreak.

Nearly 50 children and young adults in Clark County, Washington have become sickened by the disease since January.

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Feb 14, 2019

Physicists create a quantum refrigerator that cools with an absence of light

Posted by in category: quantum physics

Absence of light exerts a weird cooling effect.

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Feb 14, 2019

CRISPR could help us protect ourselves from viruses like flu and HIV

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Gene-edited white blood cells could let us hack our immune systems to prevent infections with pathogens like HIV, flu, and the virus that causes glandular fever.

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Feb 14, 2019

An AI helped us write this article

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

An impressive new language AI writes product reviews and news articles. Its creators are worried about misuse.

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Feb 14, 2019

We Just Got Evidence That Mars Could Have Volcanic Activity

Posted by in category: space

A new study shows that Mars may very well be volcanically active. Nobody’s seen direct evidence of volcanism; no eruptions or magma or anything like that. Rather, the proof is in the water.

In the past, Mars was a much warmer and wetter place. Now, Mars is still home to lots of water, mostly as vapor and ice. But in August 2018, a study published in Science showed a 20-km-wide (12-mile-wide) lake of liquid water underneath solid ice at the Martian South Pole.

The authors of that study suggested that the water was probably kept in liquid state by the pressure from above, and by dissolved salt content.

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Feb 14, 2019

Don’t Miss This Newly Discovered, Bright Green Comet Streaking Past Earth This Week

Posted by in category: space

Earth is getting a special celestial visitor this week in the shape of comet C/2018 Y1 Iwamoto — this sparkling, green-hued hunk of ice and minerals is already visible in the night sky through telescopes and even binoculars.

It’s the first binocular comet of 2019 – which means a comet that’s visible from Earth through binoculars, as you might have guessed from the name; we only get a few of them each year.

This particular comet was only discovered a couple of months ago – credit due to amateur astronomer Masayuki Iwamoto – and the icy rock is calculated to take 1,371 years to orbit the Sun on a stretched out, elliptical path.

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