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British engineers are developing a modern version of the Negative Pressure Ventilator (NPV), more popularly known as the “iron lung,” to provide COVID-19 patients under the care of the NHS with a simple, inexpensive alternative to ventilators.

One of the resources that is in critically short supply for treating COVID-19 patients in need of respiratory support is ventilators. They help to support breathing in people whose lungs have been heavily affected by the virus, but these machines face a number of problems.

The most obvious difficulty is that ventilators are in short supply across the world as health authorities scramble to secure enough to meet the current and estimated demand as the pandemic spreads. They are also complex, expensive, require monitoring by trained personnel, and are dangerous to use on even healthy people because they require the patient to be intubated and sedated, and sometimes even paralyzed.

Coronavirus-stricken British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was rushed to intensive care on Monday — as cases of the disease soared past 1.3 million across the globe.

The news came as the US reached a grim milestone of its own, with the death toll topping 10,000 and the number of cases hitting 347,000.

And it may get worse, yet. New data suggests that the peak of the pandemic — when an alarming 3,130 Americans are predicted to die in a single day — is still 10 days away.

I met with an accident in 1997.I suffered a spinal cord injury in that accident.3 months go I took stem cell therapy at Neurogen. In these 3 months I feel I have improved a lot more than before. My legs feel loose. My back also feels free. While walking my legs used to crossover each other, that has now reduced. All the muscles of my legs were very tight.
before now it has reduced. Climbing up and down the stairs is also easier than earlier.
I can also move my toes know. Earlier while walking my legs used to cross over each other, now that has reduced and I can walk much better. From lying down I can get up much easily and I can do it on my own now. Earlier I used to do bed rolling as an exercise which is much easier now. I get up from bed very easily now, back seems.
less tight and I can do the movements freely. I can roll, turn and crawl in the bed freely, than before. I can now shift forward and backward in the bed easily and on my own. Earlier while standing and walking the heel of my foot used to lift off the ground, now it touches the ground. I can balance myself on both legs now. I feel I have a good grip while walking, bearing more weight on both the legs. While climbing stairs I can lift my leg up on my own and climb. I can now stand on my own without any support. Earlier both these muscles were very tight Now they have become loose helping me Walk better.
Earlier I could not do this exercise at all But now I am able to lift my back easily

Adductor spasticity has decreased.

Earlier he had a scissoring gait. Now
he is able to walk normally.

Hip control is better.

A COVID-19 vaccine could be produced in record time, but that still won’t be fast enough to to solve our current pandemic. What could: treatments. Developers all over the world are working on repurposing old drugs and creating new ones to treat COVID-19, and some could be ready by April this year. The reason treatments might be available so much sooner than a vaccine has to do with safety. We spoke with a couple researchers — one developing a treatment and one developing a vaccine — about their timelines.

What Coronavirus Symptoms Look Like, Day By Day.

Why A Coronavirus Vaccine Could Be Developed In Record Time.

How Coronavirus Affects People With Diabetes, Cancer, And Other Conditions.


#Coronavirus #Vaccine #ScienceInsider

Hey all! I have recently made a video on how rich humanity can get from asteroid mining and how humanity can potentially eradicate poverty if it were to begin asteroid mining efforts. I have posted a link to the video here. If you find it worthy, please consider liking and subscribing!

Ever dream of becoming a billionaire? Well, believe it or not, space is the way to get rich. With billions of dollars worth of metals in each asteroid, asteroid mining is one of the most lucrative way for humanity to gather material resources. In this video, I talk about how humanity can potentially use asteroid mining to eradicate poverty and possibly make every single person alive rich.

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Can Rejuvenation Biotech Help Boost Immune Response to Infectious Diseases? Aging of the immune system makes reduces immune response in elderly — 3 main reasons: cell loss (naive t-cells), accumulation of cells we don’t want (death resistant cells), and changes to internal constitution of the cells.

Early stage research by Janko Nikolich-Žugich indicates that the naive T-cells* produced by the thyamus may not work properly because of something going on with the lymph nodes.

Also vaccines don’t really work well in the elderly either because of other parts of the immune system not working so well.

* T-cells as part of the adaptive immune system rely for it’s function on genetic diversity.