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The one thing we can say at this point in time. China cannot be the manufacturing center for the world. Simply, China has failed and the New World Order Economy has to come to an end.

You cannot continue to accept the lies coming out of the Chinese Communist Party. You can no longer accept that the CCP will tell the truth to its trading partners. China simply lacks the honor and the respect to safely manufacture products for their trading partners and they cannot be trusted with common and necessary safety protocols. Simply, that ship has sailed away, and as a culture, they are not going to change.

When the American physicist Arthur Compton discovered that light waves behave like particles in 1922, and could knock electrons out of atoms during an impact experiment, it was a milestone for quantum mechanics. Five years later, Compton received the Nobel Prize for this discovery. Compton used very shortwave light with high energy for his experiment, which enabled him to neglect the binding energy of the electron to the atomic nucleus. Compton simply assumed for his calculations that the electron rested freely in space.

During the following 90 years up to the present, numerous experiments and calculations have been carried out with regard to Compton scattering that continually revealed asymmetries and posed riddles. For example, it was observed that in certain experiments, seemed to be lost when the motion energy of the electrons and light particles (photons) after the collision were compared with the energy of the photons before the collision. Since energy cannot simply disappear, it was assumed that in these cases, contrary to Compton’s simplified assumption, the influence of the on the photon-electron collision could not be neglected.

For the first time in an impact experiment with photons, a team of physicists led by Professor Reinhard Dörner and doctoral candidate Max Kircher at Goethe University Frankfurt has now simultaneously observed the ejected electrons and the motion of the nucleus. To do so, they irradiated helium atoms with X-rays from the X-ray source PETRA III at the Hamburg accelerator facility DESY. They detected the ejected and the charged rest of the atom (ions) in a COLTRIMS reaction microscope, an apparatus that Dörner helped develop and which is able to make ultrafast reactive processes in atoms and molecules visible.

By itself, your PC is not anywhere near as powerful as a supercomputer. Don’t worry, neither is mine, or anyone else’s I know. But while none of use have the computing resources to single-handedly unlock the secrets of a virus, there is strength in numbers. As such, the collective efforts of PC users far and wide have propelled the Folding@home project to crunch data at a pace that is 15 times faster than IBM’s Summit, the top supercomputer in the world.

The developers of Folding@home have been posting periodic updates on Twitter, and according to the latest one, the distributed computing project is currently cranking out around 2.4 exaFLOPs of computational power.

With our collective power, we are now at ~2.4 exaFLOPS (faster than the top 500 supercomputers combined)! We complement supercomputers like IBM Summit, which runs short calculations using 1000s of GPUs at once, by spreading longer calculations around the world in smaller chunks! April 13, 2020

The spikes crowning the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 atypical pneumonia are divulging how they attach, fuse and gain entry to cells. Analysis of the spike architecture and its mechanics is locating the virus’ vulnerabilities, and revealing other information that could prompt the discovery of countermeasures against this virus.

A research team at the University of Washington School of Medicine and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute uses cryo-electron microscopy and other investigative methods in this effort. They are helping to determine the structure and function of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and its chemical binding affinities as these relate to both infection and immune responses, and thereby obtain ideas for blocking the virus’ ingress to cells.

Their multiple findings were published as a preliminary report Feb.20 in bioRxiv, a preprint server for biology. The lead authors are Alexandra C. “Lexi” Walls, a recent postdoctoral fellow, and Young-Jun Park, a research scientist. Both conduct coronavirus studies in the lab of David Veesler, senior author of the report and assistant professor of biochemistry at the UW School of Medicine.

Many Lebanese people are complaining, on social media, that they had a sleepless night on Sunday due to a “weird noise” in the atmosphere.

As a result of these cyber complaints, #weird_plane_noise became the #1 top trending hashtag on Twitter in Lebanon.

At around 11:15 PM last night, the National News Agency reported that an Israeli spy plane was flying heavily over Beirut and its Southern Suburbs.

The devil staircase findings.

April 14 (UPI) — The timing of large, shallow earthquakes across the globe follows a mathematical pattern known as the devil’s staircase, according to a new study of seismic sequences.

Previously, scientists and their models have theorized that earthquake sequences happen periodically or quasi-periodically, following cycles of growing tension and release. Researchers call it the elastic rebound model. In reality, periodic earthquake sequences are surprisingly rare.

Instead, scientists found global earthquake sequences tend to occur in clusters — outbursts of seismic events separated by long but irregular intervals of silence.

A recent Western-led study says two meters might not be far enough away if someone lets an uncovered cough loose in your direction—meaning sneeze and cough etiquette is more than a simple social nicety, but a key to stopping the spread of diseases like COVID-19.

“It’s pretty hard to avoid a ,” said Mechanical and Materials Engineering professor Eric Savory. “By the time you react, it’s reached you.”

Teaming up with virologists at Sunnybrook Hospital, Savory recently explored cough airflows produced by naturally infected with seasonal influenza in order to better understand how the environmental conditions affect the physical transmission of the infection.

BRUSSELS, April 14, 2020 — Responding to the European Commission’s call to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, photonics scientists are developing a new, rapid, noninvasive “optical biosensor” demonstrator that will detect COVID-19 in humans as soon as it is present in the body. Having already created six working laboratory demonstrators for other applications, the research team said the technology still needs further adaptation and testing but could be available in a year at the latest.