Editors Note: This will be a video that will trigger a bunch of people. The one thing that needs to be pointed out. Hate is hate, it does not matter if you are White, Black, Brown, Yellow or Purple Polkadot. Teaching hate through Race and Social Agenda is a threat to the common thread of our Republic.
In his book Something Deeply Hidden, the physicist explores the idea of Many Worlds, which holds that the universe continually splits into new branches.
A Monash-led study develops a new approach to directly observe correlated, many-body states in an exciton-polariton system that go beyond classical theories.
The study expands the use of quantum impurity theory, currently of significant interest to the cold-atom physics community, and will trigger future experiments demonstrating many-body quantum correlations of microcavity polaritons.
I got my rig in the back of my Beemer. Professional when I graze, I’m professional when I argue. 40 glass, I’m laughing at that s***, I’ma be roaring at that s***
The experiment also revealed which genres are hardest for AI songwriters to master.
The respondents struggled to spot which pop and country lyrics were written by an AI. And its rock song was so emo that they thought it was written by My Chemical Romance or Nirvana.
Not only does a universal constant seem annoyingly inconstant at the outer fringes of the cosmos, it occurs in only one direction, which is downright weird.
Those looking forward to a day when science’s Grand Unifying Theory of Everything could be worn on a t-shirt may have to wait a little longer as astrophysicists continue to find hints that one of the cosmological constants is not so constant after all.
In a paper published in Science Advances, scientists from UNSW Sydney reported that four new measurements of light emitted from a quasar 13 billion light years away reaffirm past studies that found tiny variations in the fine structure constant.
Synthetic biology has been described as a kind of “genetic engineering on steroids”.
Synthetic biology …Simply mentioning this term — whether at a cocktail party or on a pop culture TV show — evokes a plethora of responses. These could range from puzzled looks to questions about the somewhat famous, though likely quixotic, quest to resurrect a woolly mammoth from remnants recovered in Siberia. Also, on the radar screen is synthetic biology as applied to the development of drugs and biological weapons. But flying below the radar — and, oddly, the sweet spot for investments by governments and private industry — is a less sexy focus on the industrial uses of synthetic biology. Such uses range from environmental clean-ups to new energy sources.
What do we mean by “synthetic biology”? To keep things simple, synthetic biology has been described as a kind of “genetic engineering on steroids”. Plain, old genetic engineering includes a range of strategies, the classic one being transgenics — copying a gene from one biological species and inserting it into the cell nucleus of another species. This has enabled bacteria to produce human insulin and plants to produce their own defenses against pests and herbicides such as glyphosate. Genetic engineering also include CRISPR technology, which can function as a kind of line item editing.
Researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to restore telomerase activity in stem cells affected by telomere biology diseases, which prevent them from producing telomerase and repairing their telomeres.
Telomeres and telomerase
Each chromosome that stores our genetic information has a protective cap at each end known as a telomere, a specific DNA sequence that is repeated thousands of times. This sequence has two purposes: it protects the coding regions of the chromosome and prevents it from being damaged, and it acts as a clock that controls the number of replications a cell can make; this is known as the Hayflick limit.