I will try to leave this up for discussion.
Is the SARS-CoV-2 a ‘chimera virus’ made in the lab? A virologist’s warning.
I will try to leave this up for discussion.
Is the SARS-CoV-2 a ‘chimera virus’ made in the lab? A virologist’s warning.
THERE’S a 50 percent chance robots will be capable of completing “all human tasks” by 2050, allowing humans to move to a post-compulsory work society, according to a leading transhumanist thinker.
Tiny integrated circuits destined for space missions, etched onto a single wafer of silicon, examined under a magnifier.
To save money on the high cost of fabrication, various chips designed by different companies and destined for multiple ESA projects are crammed onto the same silicon wafers, etched into place at specialised semiconductor manufacturing plants or ‘fabs’.
Once manufactured, the chips, still on the wafer, are tested. The wafers are then chopped up. They become ready for use when placed inside protective packages – just like standard terrestrial microprocessors – and undergo final quality tests.
NEW YORK — As Americans delay elective surgeries and avoid doctors and hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic, healthcare spending declines have more than offset the added costs of COVID-19 care, insurance executives and experts say, boosting U.S. health insurer profits.
In regenerative medicine, an ideal treatment for patients whose muscles are damaged from lack of oxygen would be to invigorate them with an injection of their own stem cells.
MANITOWOC COUNTY (WLUK) — Fewer drivers on the road, means fewer and fewer people are filling up their tank. “With consumers are staying at home and the economy in troubled waters, I think that’s kind of the best summary. People are just not driving,” said GasBuddy Head Petroleum Analyst Patrick De Haan. At one point Friday morning, the Francis Creek Shell station was selling the cheapest gas in the country at just 75 cents a gallon.
I hope you can take the time to watch my interview with Nicolas Chernavsky & Nina Torres Zanvettor where we discuss their rejuvenation translation company NTZ Publicações and why we need more rejuvenation translators to join their team to spread rejuvenation science globally to a mainstream audience.
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The first study on vitamin D and COVID-19 was released as a preprint on April 23, and a second study was released as a preprint on April 26. Here’s what we can learn from the second study. The first study, which I reported on a few days ago, focused on disease severity, while the second one, which I’m reporting on here, focused on mortality.
The Results
The electronic health records of 780 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases from the government hospitals of Indonesia between March 2 and April 24 was searched for data on vitamin D status prior to admission, age, sex, preexisting conditions, and mortality. Vitamin D status was classified as normal (≥30 ng/mL), insufficient (21−29 ng/mL), or deficient (≤20 ng/mL).
Hope Biosciences has been given clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to move ahead with a phase 2 trial to evaluate its investigational stem cell therapy in providing immune support against COVID-19.