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Oct 30, 2019

Researchers transmit energy with laser in ‘historic’ power-beaming demonstration

Posted by in categories: energy, military

It was the second day of a three-day-long tech demonstration at the David Taylor Model Basin at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Bethesda, Maryland, where attendees had gathered to stand around in the dark to look at something they mostly couldn’t see.

It was a long-range, free-space power beaming system — the first of its kind. Attendees that day, May 23, could see the system itself—the two 13-foot-high towers, one a 2-kilowatt laser transmitter, the other a receiver of specially designed photovoltaics. But the important part, the laser that was beaming 400 watts of power across 325 meters, from the transmitter to the receiver, was invisible to the naked eye.

Oct 30, 2019

Confirmed: North Korean malware found on Indian nuclear plant’s network

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, nuclear energy

Two days after rumors of a malware infection at the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant surfaced on Twitter, the plant’s parent company confirms the security breach.

Oct 30, 2019

300 Million People Threatened

Posted by in category: futurism

Coastal cities such as India’s Mumbai, China’s Shanghai and Thailand’s Bangkok could be submerged in three decades.

Oct 30, 2019

Hard as ceramic, tough as steel: Newly discovered connection could help design of nextgen alloys

Posted by in categories: information science, nuclear energy, quantum physics, robotics/AI

A new way to calculate the interaction between a metal and its alloying material could speed the hunt for a new material that combines the hardness of ceramic with the resilience of metal.

The discovery, made by engineers at the University of Michigan, identifies two aspects of this interaction that can accurately predict how a particular alloy will behave—and with fewer demanding, from-scratch quantum mechanical calculations.

“Our findings may enable the use of machine learning algorithms for alloy design, potentially accelerating the search for better alloys that could be used in turbine engines and nuclear reactors,” said Liang Qi, assistant professor of materials science and engineering who led the research.

Oct 30, 2019

Dielectric metasurfaces for next-generation holograms

Posted by in categories: computing, holograms, information science, nanotechnology, particle physics, transportation

Metasurfaces are optically thin metamaterials that can control the wavefront of light completely, although they are primarily used to control the phase of light. In a new report, Adam C. Overvig and colleagues in the departments of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Columbia University and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, U.S., presented a novel study approach, now published on Light: Science & Applications. The simple concept used meta-atoms with a varying degree of form birefringence and angles of rotation to create high-efficiency dielectric metasurfaces with ability to control optical amplitude (maximum extent of a vibration) and phase at one or two frequencies. The work opened applications in computer-generated holography to faithfully reproduce the phase and amplitude of a target holographic scene without using iterative algorithms that are typically required during phase-only holography.

The team demonstrated all-dielectric holograms with independent and complete control of the amplitude and phase. They used two simultaneous optical frequencies to generate two-dimensional (2-D) and 3D holograms in the study. The phase-amplitude metasurfaces allowed additional features that could not be attained with phase-only holography. The features included artifact-free 2-D holograms, the ability to encode separate phase and amplitude profiles at the object plane and encode intensity profiles at the metasurface and object planes separately. Using the method, the scientists also controlled the surface textures of 3D holographic objects.

Light waves possess four key properties including amplitude, phase, polarization and optical impedance. Materials scientists use metamaterials or “metasurfaces” to tune these properties at specific frequencies with subwavelength, spatial resolution. Researchers can also engineer individual structures or “meta-atoms” to facilitate a variety of optical functionalities. Device functionality is presently limited by the ability to control and integrate all four properties of light independently in the lab. Setbacks include challenges of developing individual meta-atoms with varying responses at a desired frequency with a single fabrication protocol. Research studies previously used metallic scatterers due to their strong light-matter interactions to eliminate inherent optical losses relative to metals while using lossless dielectric platforms for high-efficiency phase control—the single most important property for wavefront control.

Oct 30, 2019

This AI-Powered Oral Sex Robot Puts the “Deep” in Deep Learning

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, sex

If you’re willing to dial things up to 10 (unfortunately there’s no 11), you can enjoy the device’s “Full AI Experience.”

Oct 30, 2019

Indian nuclear power plant’s network was hacked, officials confirm

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, nuclear energy

After initial denial, company says report of “malware in system” is correct.

Oct 30, 2019

Immortality’s a Red Herring; We Want Indefinite Life Extension

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A few years ago, popular YouTuber Life Noggin published a video titled “WHY DO WE DIE?” In this video, he briefly goes into the science behind the gradual cellular degradation of the biological substrate, which causes all known side-effects associated with aging. At the end of the video, however, he revealed that he’d much rather “live forever” than die.

As a result, his subscribers, which is nearly at 2.9 million, took to the comments section to overwhelmingly declare similar hopes. Not everyone was convinced, however.

As we continue searching for the cure to aging, we’ll need to better inform the public that we’ve no intention of dictating how long they’re to live and when they’re to die.

Continue reading “Immortality’s a Red Herring; We Want Indefinite Life Extension” »

Oct 30, 2019

The Origin of Consciousness in the Brain Is About to Be Tested

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Here’s something you don’t hear every day: two theories of consciousness are about to face off in the scientific fight of the century.

Backed by top neuroscientist theorists of today, including Christof Koch, head of the formidable Allen Institute for Brain Research in Seattle, Washington, the fight hopes to put two rival ideas of consciousness to the test in a $20 million project. Briefly, volunteers will have their brain activity scanned while performing a series of cleverly-designed tasks targeted to suss out the brain’s physical origin of conscious thought. The first phase was launched this week at the Society for Neuroscience annual conference in Chicago, a brainy extravaganza that draws over 20,000 neuroscientists each year.

Both sides agree to make the fight as fair as possible: they’ll collaborate on the task design, pre-register their predictions on public ledgers, and if the data supports only one idea, the other acknowledges defeat.

Oct 30, 2019

Link Between Gut Bacteria And Your Kid’s Behavior Just Got Stronger

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

So, you should just be able to give them a chill pill and be done with it, right?