Researchers went ‘bioprospecting’ in marine microbes, looking for those that can perform helpful functions like eating plastic or generating antibiotics. | Earth And The Environment.
Summary: A new study using artificial intelligence has provided novel insights into how the brain predicts future events and processes information. Researchers discovered that the brain’s spontaneous activity, even without external stimuli, plays a critical role in how we think and feel.
By analyzing local field potentials (LFPs), they uncovered how the brain remains active in anticipating possible scenarios, even in a resting state. These findings could lead to better diagnostic tools and treatments for neurological diseases.
It’s the only fundamental force whose carrier has never been directly observed. But that may soon change.
Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that leads to a greater risk of aneurysms developing in a patient’s aorta. Early detection is key to survival. Researchers at Yale School of Medicine studied the use of artificial intelligence in the diagnostic process. The results could eventually lead to an easier and more accessible test.
Extreme conditions prevail inside stars and planets. The pressure reaches millions of bars, and it can be several million degrees hot. Sophisticated methods make it possible to create such states of matter in the laboratory – albeit only for the blink of an eye and in a tiny volume.
So far, this has required the world’s most powerful lasers, such as the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California. But there are only a few of these light giants, and the opportunities for experiments are correspondingly rare. A research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), together with colleagues from the European XFEL, has now succeeded in creating and observing extreme conditions with a much smaller laser.
At the heart of the new technology is a copper wire, finer than a human hair, as the group reports in the journal Nature Communications (“Cylindrical compression of thin wires by irradiation with a Joule-class short-pulse laser”).
The wearable…
A new technology that uses light waves to measure activity in babies’ brains has provided the most complete picture to date of functions like hearing, vision and cognitive processing outside a conventional brain scanner, in a new study led by researchers at UCL and Birkbeck.
Related: Future moon astronauts may 3D-print their supplies using lunar minerals
“With the printing of the first metal 3D shape in space, ESA Exploration teams have achieved a significant milestone in establishing in-orbit manufacturing capabilities. This accomplishment, made possible by an international and multidisciplinary team, paves the way for long-distance and long-duration missions where creating spare parts, construction components, and tools on demand will be essential,” said Daniel Neuenschwander, director of Human and Robotic Exploration at ESA, in a statement.
This groundbreaking technology continues to expand its applications on Earth, revolutionizing fields such as medicine, fashion, art, construction, food production and manufacturing. In space, as long-duration missions to the moon and potentially Mars take shape, astronauts will need a means of independently repairing or creating tools or parts for machinery or structures that would be difficult to carry onboard a spacecraft, which have limited capacity.
Physicalism implies a form of panpsychism panprotopsychism solves the combination problem and the existence ofvprotophenomonal properties which are the basis of mental properties this will lead to artificial intelligence and conscious machines.
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She’s been doing stem cell therapy for 8 years. She is 53.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Nicholas Agar has recently argued that it would be irrational for future human beings to choose to radically enhance themselves by uploading their minds onto computers. Utilizing Searle’s argument that machines cannot think, he claims that uploading might entail death. He grants that Searle’s argument is controversial, but he claims, so long as there is a non-zero probability that uploading entails death, uploading is irrational. I argue that Agar’s argument, like Pascal’s wager on which it is modelled, fails, because the principle that we (or future agents) ought to avoid actions that might entail death is not action guiding. Too many actions fall under its scope for the principle to be plausible. I also argue that the probability that uploading entails death is likely to be lower than Agar recognizes.