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The question of the conditions under which Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transcend the threshold of consciousness can only be answered with certainty if we manage to unravel the mechanism underlying conscious systems. The most promising strategy to approach this goal is to unveil the brain’s functional principle involved in the formation of conscious states and to transfer the findings to other physical systems. Empirical evidence suggests that the dynamical features of conscious brain processes can be ascribed to self-organized criticality and phase transitions, the deeper understanding of which requires methods of quantum electrodynamics (QED). QED-based model calculations reveal that both the architectural structure and the chemical composition of the brain are specifically designed to establish resonant coupling to the ubiquitous electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations, known as zero-point field (ZPF). A direct consequence of resonant brain-ZPF coupling is the selective amplification of field modes, which leads us to conclude that the distinctive feature of conscious processes consists in modulating the ZPF. These insights support the hypothesis that the ZPF is a foundational field with inherent phenomenal qualities, implying that the crucial condition for AI consciousness lies in a robot’s capacity to tap into the phenomenal spectrum immanent in the ZPF.

Full Title: The Path to Sentient Robots: AI Consciousness in the Light of New Insights into the Functioning of the Brain.

Scientists in Virginia are looking for mysterious dark matter — and have turned to really old rocks.

The substance, which makes up more than 80 percent of all matter in the universe, shapes and affects the cosmos. But it is entirely invisible and remains undetectable by normal sensors and techniques.

Analyzing billion-year-old rocks, researchers at Virginia Tech hope to find traces of dark matter. The idea was first proposed in the 1980s. Technological advances since then led them to revisit the idea. What if there were traces in Earth’s minerals?

SpaceX will attempt to transfer propellant from one orbiting Starship to another as early as next March, a technical milestone that will pave the way for an uncrewed landing demonstration of a Starship on the moon, a NASA official said this week.

Much has been made of Starship’s potential to transform the commercial space industry, but NASA is also hanging its hopes that the vehicle will return humans to the moon under the Artemis program. The space agency awarded the company a $4.05 billion contract for two human-rated Starship vehicles, with the upper stage (also called Starship) landing astronauts on the surface of the moon for the first time since the Apollo era. The crewed landing is currently scheduled for September 2026.

Kent Chojnacki, deputy manager of NASA’s Human Landing System (HLS) program, provided more detail on exactly how the agency is working with the space company as it looks toward that critical mission in an interview with Spaceflight Now. It will come as no surprise that NASA is paying close attention to Starship’s test campaign, which has notched five launches so far.

A recent question discussed extensively in the popular and scientific literature is whether or not existing large language models such as ChatGPT are conscious (or sentient). Assuming that machine consciousness emerges as a robot or an AI agent interacts with the world, this presentation addresses the question: how would humans know whether or not the agent is or was conscious. Since subjective experience is first and foremost subjective, the most natural answer to this question is to program the agent to inform an authority when it becomes conscious. However, the agent may behave deceptively, and in fact LLM’s are known to have done so (Park et. al. 2024). Thus we propose a formal mechanism M that can be employed to prevent the agent from lying about its own consciousness. This solves the deceptiveness problem, but this raises the question whether M can interfere with the agent’s functionality or acquisition of consciousness. We prove mathematically that under very reasonable conditions this is not the case. In other words, under these conditions M can be installed in the agent without interfering with the agent’s functionality and consciousness acquisition, while also guaranteeing that the agent will be honest about its own consciousness.

Information theory, the science of message communication44, has also served as a framework for model-free causality quantification. The success of information theory relies on the notion of information as a fundamental property of physical systems, closely tied to the restrictions and possibilities of the laws of physics45,46. The grounds for causality as information are rooted in the intimate connection between information and the arrow of time. Time-asymmetries present in the system at a macroscopic level can be leveraged to measure the causality of events using information-theoretic metrics based on the Shannon entropy44. The initial applications of information theory for causality were formally established through the use of conditional entropies, employing what is known as directed information47,48. Among the most recognized contributions is transfer entropy (TE)49, which measures the reduction in entropy about the future state of a variable by knowing the past states of another. Various improvements have been proposed to address the inherent limitations of TE. Among them, we can cite conditional transfer entropy (CTE)50,51,52,53, which stands as the nonlinear, nonparametric extension of conditional GC27. Subsequent advancements of the method include multivariate formulations of CTE45 and momentary information transfer54, which extends TE by examining the transfer of information at each time step. Other information-theoretic methods, derived from dynamical system theory55,56,57,58, quantify causality as the amount of information that flows from one process to another as dictated by the governing equations.

Another family of methods for causal inference relies on conducting conditional independence tests. This approach was popularized by the Peter-Clark algorithm (PC)59, with subsequent extensions incorporating tests for momentary conditional independence (PCMCI)23,60. PCMCI aims to optimally identify a reduced conditioning set that includes the parents of the target variable61. This method has been shown to be effective in accurately detecting causal relationships while controlling for false positives23. Recently, new PCMCI variants have been developed for identifying contemporaneous links62, latent confounders63, and regime-dependent relationships64.

The methods for causal inference discussed above have significantly advanced our understanding of cause-effect interactions in complex systems. Despite the progress, current approaches face limitations in the presence of nonlinear dependencies, stochastic interactions (i.e., noise), self-causation, mediator, confounder, and collider effects, to name a few. Moreover, they are not capable of classifying causal interactions as redundant, unique, and synergistic, which is crucial to identify the fundamental relationships within the system. Another gap in existing methodologies is their inability to quantify causality that remains unaccounted for due to unobserved variables. To address these shortcomings, we propose SURD: Synergistic-Unique-Redundant Decomposition of causality. SURD offers causal quantification in terms of redundant, unique, and synergistic contributions and provides a measure of the causality from hidden variables. The approach can be used to detect causal relationships in systems with multiple variables, dependencies at different time lags, and instantaneous links. We demonstrate the performance of SURD across a large collection of scenarios that have proven challenging for causal inference and compare the results to previous approaches.