This trend needs to stop.
I like this idea. I don’t want AI to be a black box, I want to know what’s happening and how its doing it.
The field of artificial intelligence has created computers that can drive cars, synthesize chemical compounds, fold proteins, and detect high-energy particles at a superhuman level.
However, these AI algorithms cannot explain the thought processes behind their decisions. A computer that masters protein folding and also tells researchers more about the rules of biology is much more useful than a computer that folds proteins without explanation.
Therefore, AI researchers like me are now turning our efforts toward developing AI algorithms that can explain themselves in a manner that humans can understand. If we can do this, I believe that AI will be able to uncover and teach people new facts about the world that have not yet been discovered, leading to new innovations.
It is true. From its effect on biomarkers such as heat shock proteins and Fox 03, through to real world impacts on cardiovascular health, to improving mood, helping you live longer healthier and reducing your chance of dying before your time. I think we all know saunas are really great for you, but this will give you all the scientific reasons why… Taking it easy and relaxing for half an hour… Is not just wasting your time… Changes today will make tomorrow better. #saunas
I am going to give you the best reasons in the world to sit back and take it easy in a nice warm environment, and to just forget the troubles of the world.
Maybe play some music, or a podcast, or listen to a book, or just meditate, just relax and take it easy.
It is for your own health after all!!
How about clicking here and watching the video I did on good and bad stress.
The science in the video.
Modulation of body temperature and LH secretion by hypothalamic KNDy (kisspeptin, neurokinin B and dynorphin) neurons.
TRAPPIST-1, which at first seemed tantalizingly similar to a solar system like ours, has planetary densities and compositions that appear to be truly bizarre.
We are targeting a two-hour test window that opens at 4 p.m. EST on Sat., Jan. 16, for the hot fire test of the NASA’s Space Launch System rocket core stage at our Stennis Space Center. The hot fire is the eighth and final test of the Green Run series, to ensure the core stage of the SLS is ready to launch NASA’s Artemis Program missions to the Moon. This will be the first time that all four RS-25 engines will be fired at once in order to simulate a launch, generating 1.6 million pounds of thrust.
Live coverage begins at 3:20 p.m. EST. Use the hashtag #AskNASA and your questions might be answered on air 🚀
Posted in transportation
Bernie Sanders on Mars: It’s really cold here! 🎬 360VR video 8K: 🔎 360VR photo 8K: #BernieSanders #BernieMeme #BernieSandersmemes #BernieSandersMittens #inauguration2021
Both AlphaFold’s and GPT-3’s success was due largely to the massive datasets they were trained on; no revolutionary new training methods or architectures were involved. If all it was going to take to advance AI was a continuation or scaling-up of this paradigm—more input data yields increased capability—China could well have an advantage.
But one of the biggest hurdles AI needs to clear to advance in leaps and bounds rather than baby steps is precisely this reliance on extensive, task-specific data. Other significant challenges include the technology’s fast approach to the limits of current computing power and its immense energy consumption.
Thus, while China’s trove of data may give it an advantage now, it may not be much of a long-term foothold on the climb to AI dominance. It’s useful for building products that incorporate or rely on today’s AI, but not for pushing the needle on how artificially intelligent systems learn. WeChat data on users’ spending habits, for example, would be valuable in building an AI that helps people save money or suggests items they might want to purchase. It will enable (and already has enabled) highly tailored products that will earn their creators and the companies that use them a lot of money.
A new discovery in the mountains of northern Israel has caused significant excitement for geologists around the world. While working in the Zevulun Valley, close to Mount Carmel, Israeli mining company Shefa Yamim found a new mineral never before discovered on earth.
The International Mineralogical Association regularly approves new minerals for its official list, with up to 100 new substances added to the register each year.
However, this latest discovery was hailed as a significant event, as it was previously believed that this type of mineral was only found on extraterrestrial material.
Major water shortages are becoming more and more prevalent across our planet, with over a billion people already suffering from water scarcity.
Now, researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have joined the fight to find solutions. The team has created a substance that pulls water from air without using any external power sources.
Their study was published in Science Advances.