Hydrocarbons and petroleum are almost synonymous in environmental science. After all, oil reserves account for nearly all the hydrocarbons we encounter. But the few hydrocarbons that trace their origin to biological sources may play a larger ecological role than scientists originally suspected.
In December, Porsche announced that it had been 3D printing prototype housings for electric drives that were stronger, lighter, and much quicker to manufacture. The engine-gearbox units produced using this method were even able to pass all of the company’s quality and stress tests without issue.
Porsche manufactures the housings using a 3D printing method called laser metal fusion, which entails a laser beam heating and melting a powder surface depending on the desired contours. This method allows Porsche to produce an engine gearbox that is both 10% lighter and 100% stronger because of the inherent lattice structures.
Another significant upside to manufacturing parts this way is the ease and speed of creating new components or making changes to existing ones. For example, an entirely new part can be designed and then physically printed very quickly with no need to do things such as create new tooling to manufacture the part.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is to step down as chief executive of the e-commerce giant that he founded in his garage nearly 30 years ago.
The Amazon founder becomes executive chairman, a move he says will allow him to focus on other ventures.
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What is this mysterious quantum tunneling effect, where does it come from? And why is it one of the most important phenomena in physics?
Quantum mechanics shows that quantum objects have a wave-particle duality. What we think of as an electron particle actually behaves like a wave, a probability wave. This means that its position is not a precise location in space. It is defined by a wave function that can only tell us the probability of finding it a particular location when measured. The wave function of a particle exists in all of space, in the entire universe up to infinity. So there is always a non-zero probability of finding the electron anywhere, including outside a barrier.
We can attribute this behavior to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It states that the uncertainty in a particle’s position times the uncertainty in its momentum has to be greater than a finite number. Practically this means we cannot know with 100% certainty what the position of that electron is. And the wave function of the electron, which gives us the probability of finding it at any location can be found using the Schrodinger equation.
This equation was developed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1926, and it is the equation that describes the wave nature of matter. The Greek letter psi in the equation is the wave function. The wave function depends on both time and position. It can be both positive or negative, but the square is always positive. The square of the wave function as a function of position is the probability of finding the particle at that position. The Schrödinger equation is a statement of conservation of energy. It says that kinetic energy plus potential energy equals the total energy—But instead of just energies, we have energy operators acting on the wave function of the particle.
Spinach Has Learned To Send Emails
Posted in futurism
Scietists have discovered a way to allow spinach to send emails. We are not joking. Check out this incredible story of modern science.
After delays and a flap with the FAA, the Mars rocket prototype ran a vertical 10K on Tuesday.
When talking about Elon Musk, we must be prepared to talk about big numbers. The world’s richest man—he’s currently worth about $209 billion, give or take a billion—has designed electric powered cars that can drive (with stops for charging) the 28000-mile width of the United States.
OEC promoting STEM education in Africa.
If we know a protein’s structure, we can make educated guesses about its function. And by mapping thousands of protein structures, we can begin to decipher the biology of life.
The reCharge tire works like a stick of lip balm, pushing up new tread as the old stuff wears away.
SpaceX SN9 Launch LIVE!
Posted in space travel