Us Space Force
Posted in space
Posted in space
Posted in space
Almost every day, we get the same questions from family, friends, and strangers who happen to find our emails: Which COVID-19 vaccine should I get? Should I wait to get the “best” vaccine?
When scientists pulled an unfamiliar monster from the depths of a well-fished, well-explored Japanese bay, they couldn’t believe it was really a new species.
Whether toting the neighborhood kids home after soccer practice or loading up for a road trip, SUVs offer the ultimate in vehicle utility. If you’re in the market for an electric SUV though, the options are both few and pricey. Unless of course you head on over to the coolest little corner of the web, the electric vehicle market on Alibaba.
The Expanscape Aurora 7 prototype is a beast.
Check out Expanscape’s Aurora 7 prototype laptop, which features six more displays than your average laptop. It’s made to be a mobile security operations station, but it’s okay to imagine yourself gaming hard on it.
The cosmos is likely teeming with intelligent civilizations who have sent untold numbers of space probes out into interstellar space, says Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb is this week’s Cosmic Controversy guest. This episode lives up to the podcast’s branding! Episode 37 — Is Oumuamua, Our Solar System’s 1st Identified Interstellar Asteroid, Actually An Alien Probe?
Did an alien lightsail traverse our solar system in 2017? Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb thinks so. In today’s episode, I welcome Loeb to discuss his bestselling book — “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth.” We chat about why he thinks this object, Oumuamua, is likely to be artificial and why the scientific community at large remains so unreceptive to progressive scientific thinking when it comes to the subject of extraterrestrial intelligence.