Has anyone tried any of these longevity blood testing companies? How are their recommendations? I’m especially curious if Life Extension’s online phone consultations are worth it.
This is the second article in a two-part series on the best aging biomarkers to track for longevity. While the first article on aging biomarkers discussed 20 specific biomarkers to track, in this post we compare different life extension blood tests and testing companies on the market.
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If we are to reason for the non-dual picture of the world then quantum physics is directly linked to consciousness. The human brain is a physical organ that transmits and interprets electrochemical signals. Its biochemistry is certainly governed by quantum physical laws, and consciousness — which is clearly related to the functioning of the brain — must therefore be related to the quantum physical processes going on within the brain and in the cosmos at large. Research has shown that consciousness is non-local, a scientific way of alluding to a connection within a higher dimensional order. Matter has also been shown to be non-local, which hints that matter might be an expression of consciousness. Quantum physics tells us the energy of every speck of mass, or a packet of information, is a relative peak in an ocean of energy, which is oftentimes referred to as the ‘Unified Field’ — the quantum layer of pure potentiality — the code layer beneath all dimensions where time and space are information.
#Consciousness #Evolution #Mind #OfficialTrailer
Consciousness: Evolution of the Mind, a 45-minute documentary film by Alex Vikoulov, is COMING SOON! Official teaser trailer released. by Ecstadelic Media Group. Based on The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution by Alex Vikoulov.
Astronomers find these five chapters to be a handy way of conceiving the universe’s incredibly long lifespan.
Though vaccination has begun to fall in some cases, epidemiologists say rapid tests may be the only way to reopen economy.
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The University of California, Davis, is providing free testing, masks and quarantine housing to tens of thousands of people who live nearby.
The discovery could throw a wrench in the conventional wisdom surrounding the formation of galaxies.
As early as March, the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) will report a new measurement of the magnetism of the muon, a heavier, short-lived cousin of the electron. The effort entails measuring a single frequency with exquisite precision. In tantalizing results dating back to 2001, g-2 found that the muon is slightly more magnetic than theory predicts. If confirmed, the excess would signal, for the first time in decades, the existence of novel massive particles that an atom smasher might be able to produce, says Aida El-Khadra, a theorist at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. “This would be a very clear sign of new physics, so it would be a huge deal.”
Locked cabinets, a secret frequency, and the curious magnetism of a particle called the muon.
Astronomy owes George Ellery Hale and the Palomar Observatory a great debt of gratitude for persevering with the construction of a telescope that forever changed cosmology.
Fast, One-Step Assembly at Room Temperature Yields High Efficiency at Low Cost University of Houston-A team of researchers led by Zhifeng Ren, director of the Texas Center for Superconductivity at UH,…
Hydrogen. In theory, it’s the perfect fuel. Run it through a fuel cell and you get electricity, water vapor, and heat. Doesn’t get any more Earth friendly than that, does it? There is theory and then there is reality, starting with where one gets the hydrogen in the first place. It is one of the most abundant elements on Earth — every molecule of water has two hydrogen atoms and there is a lot of water in the world.
Then there is the whole universe of hydrocarbons from gasoline to plastics. By definition, there are hydrogen atoms in all of them and that’s the problem. Hydrogen is so reactive it bonds with everything. Getting pure hydrogen means breaking the chemical bonds that bind to other elements. Keeping it sequestered in its pure state is a whole other conundrum.
Assuming all those challenges are overcome, then comes the question of how to distribute it so it can be used to power the fuel cells in vehicles. A DC fast charging installation might cost $300000 but a hydrogen refueling station can cost $3 million. Compressing it, trucking it, and storing it all present additional hurdles to consider.