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Today, the most common use cases are much more mundane, including smartphone-based games and apps like Pokemon Go or Apple’s Ruler app, which use the phone’s screen and camera rather than relying on glasses or another set of screens sitting on your face. The few companies who are actively producing AR glasses are mostly focused on work scenarios, like manufacturing and medicine.

Industry watchers and participants think that Apple has a good chance to validated and revolutionize augmented reality like it did with smartphones.

With its soaring temperatures and toxic atmosphere, Venus is a punishing place. The longest amount of time a spacecraft has survived on the planet’s surface is just over 50 minutes, when the Soviet-designed Vega 2 mission landed there in 1985.

That’s why NASA dubbed the latest challenge in its Automaton Rover for Extreme Environments (AREE) project “Exploring Hell”: Could designers build a mechanically powered robot that can withstand the harsh environment and explore the unknown world?