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#AI #topology #language #computation #neuroscience

Researchers have long observed that neurons in the brain tend to be organized in clusters, with neighboring neurons often sharing similar functions. This phenomenon is also seen in the brain’s language system, where certain areas respond to different aspects of language, such as syntax (sentence structure) or semantics (meaning). However, the exact mechanisms behind this organization remain a mystery.

In an attempt to better understand how the brain organizes language processing, the researchers developed TopoLM, a new type of AI language model inspired by the brain’s spatial layout. Unlike traditional language models, TopoLM arranges its processing units in a two-dimensional space, mimicking how neurons are arranged in the brain. It combines a standard language task (predicting the next word in a sentence) with an additional goal: encouraging units that are close together in space to also have similar functions, creating clusters of units that process similar linguistic information.

The result is a model whose internal organization closely mirrors the way the human brain organizes language. TopoLM successfully predicts the emergence of clusters in the brain’s language system, reflecting the same fine distinctions between different linguistic features observed in humans. This suggests that the brain’s language processing might be driven by a unified spatial principle, and TopoLM provides a new way to model how our brains process language both functionally and spatially.

Speakers: Cecile Tamura, Johannes Mehrer, Riju Pahwa

The risk for thrombosis on equipment within coronary arteries during PCI – and the potential dangerous complications – has led to nearly 50 years of targeted research on the mechanisms of normal and pathologic thrombosis. This research has in turn led to the development of blood-thinning drug treatments to prevent thrombosis during and after PCI. However, the blood thinning (‘anti-thrombotic’) therapies can also lead to life-threatening excessive bleeding. Research to identify the optimal balance of anti-thrombotic drugs that minimises both pathologic thrombosis and excessive bleeding continues through today.

Dr Scott Denardo at Duke University Medical Center in the USA has modelled the behaviour of platelets inside blood vessels and near medical device surfaces. Some of his observations are just now entering the contemporary understanding of thrombosis. Denardo believes that applying these observations can refine existing anti-thrombotic therapies to improve their safety (less bleeding) while not compromising their effectiveness (preventing thrombosis on PCI equipment, including stents).

Team develops simulation algorithms for safer, greener, and more aerodynamic aircraft.

Ice buildup on aircraft wings and fuselage occurs when atmospheric conditions conducive to ice formation are encountered during flight, presenting a critical area of focus for their research endeavors.

Ice accumulation on an aircraft during flight poses a significant risk, potentially impairing its performance and, in severe cases, leading to catastrophic consequences.

Fernández’s laboratory is dedicated to the development of algorithms and software tools aimed at comprehensively understanding these processes and leveraging this knowledge to enhance future aircraft designs, thereby mitigating potential negative outcomes.