Qualcomm rolled out its next generation of 5G processors Tuesday that the company says can deliver peak download speeds of 10 gigabits per seconds to smartphones, laptops, household Internet and private business networks.
Aalto researchers have used an IBM quantum computer to explore an overlooked area of physics, and have challenged 100-year-old notions about information at the quantum level.
IBM announced that global energy company BP has joined the tech giant’s quantum network as an industry partner to boost the use of quantum computing in the energy industry.
As a critic of modern life and technology, Ai-Da can draw thanks to artificial intelligence.
As we know now, atlases should be evolving and living resources, because as we learn more about how the brain is organized, we will need to make updates.
A new study shows our planet is much closer to the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s center than previously estimated.
Who Should Stop Unethical A.I.?
Posted in robotics/AI
At artificial-intelligence conferences, researchers are increasingly alarmed by what they see.
Researchers unlocked the electronic properties of graphene by folding the material like origami paper.
Researchers have found a way to use light and a single electron to communicate with a cloud of quantum bits and sense their behavior, making it possible to detect a single quantum bit in a dense cloud.
The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, were able to inject a ‘needle’ of highly fragile quantum information in a ‘haystack’ of 100000 nuclei. Using lasers to control an electron, the researchers could then use that electron to control the behavior of the haystack, making it easier to find the needle. They were able to detect the ‘needle’ with a precision of 1.9 parts per million: high enough to detect a single quantum bit in this large ensemble.
The technique makes it possible to send highly fragile quantum information optically to a nuclear system for storage, and to verify its imprint with minimal disturbance, an important step in the development of a quantum internet based on quantum light sources. The results are reported in the journal Nature Physics.