Hello everybody! In this episode, we interview Felix Werth, a trully hero of the rejuvenation field: in 2015 he created a party in Germany to defend more investments in our field, and his party is contesting the general elections in the country on September 26th 2021! However, he needs our help right now, since his party has until July 19th to collect enough signatures to participate in 14 German states covering 98% of the country’s population. So be sure to check the interview and the party’s website (https://parteifuergesundheitsforschung.de) to see how you can help.
In this episode of ImmortaliCast, Nicolas and Nina talk to Felix Werth, the founder and leader of the German Party for Health Research, a party with a single issue: 10% of the government budget should be spent on research for the development of treatments of age-related diseases. The party will contest the German general elections of September 26th 2021.
Party for Health Research website: https://parteifuergesundheitsforschung.de.
Fundraising page: https://parteifuergesundheitsforschung.de/superwahljahr-spendenaktion.
ImmortaliCast website: https://www.ntzplural.com/immortalicast.