Russian military intelligence tied to the group Fancy Bear are using brute force techniques to infiltrate the networks of government and private sector organizations, a joint advisory from US and UK cybersecurity agencies said.
While SolarWinds rightly drew attention earlier this year, Moscow’s Fancy Bear group has been on a password-guessing spree this whole time.
It appears your susceptibility to a virus, and also the intensity of the viral load that goes on to attack if your defences are breached, are inextricably linked to your sleep quality and circadian clock.
For the first time, an artificial molecular motor has been created that can ‘talk’ to living cells – by gently pulling their surface with enough physical force to elicit a biochemical response. The approach could help scientists decode the language that cells use to communicate with each other in tissues.
‘There is a mechanical language in the form of physical forces applied by the cells themselves, and we want to understand what information is communicated and what the consequences are,’ explains Aránzazu del Campo, who led the study at the Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Germany. ‘Ultimately, we want to be able to provide signals to cells and guide their function when they are not able to do that by themselves in disease cases.’
Usually, studying how cells communicate by sensing mechanical stimuli and producing biochemical responses requires prodding them with pipettes or the tip of an atomic force microscope. However, this doesn’t work at the more complex tissue level.
US$8.5 Billion In Funding — 150+ Projects
Dr. Maria Millan, MD, is the President and CEO of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM —, an organization that was created in 2004 when voters initially approved a state Proposition which allocated US$3 billion to fund this fascinating area of medicine, and which recently received an additional US$5.5 billion in renewed funding.
Dr. Millan is a physician-scientist who has devoted her career to treating and developing innovative solutions for children and adults with debilitating and life-threatening conditions.
The researchers were inspired by bone and cartilage when designing the new membrane.
You’ve likely heard of solar energy, but what is osmotic energy?
A new theory explains the seemingly irreversible arrow of time while yielding insights into entropy, quantum computers, black holes, and the past-future divide.
In an early trial, patients received a single infusion of a CRISPR-based therapy to knock out the mutated gene responsible for their disease.
Zhurong Mars rover — video, audio, and science images.
China’s Zhurong Mars rover sent back its first video and audio from the Red Planet this week as scientists made strides in research on brains and artificial organs.
Overview of what GitHub Copilot is, what it does, how it works, and whether programmers should be worried about their jobs now…