A global semiconductor shortage is causing havoc, delaying car production and affecting operations at large consumer electronics manufacturers.
NASA successfully detects an earthquake aftershock using balloon-borne seismometers. This new balloon technology may be used to explore Venus’ deep interior from high in its atmosphere.
Meet Amazon’s Newest Employees
Posted in robotics/AI
It’s good that this could improve warehouse safety.
But what about people’s job security?
Cheddar news.
Amazon unveiled four new warehouse robots (Ernie, Bert, Scooter and Kermit) on Sunday. The group is currently undergoing testing and development to help reduce injuries and strenuous activities for their human colleagues.
Toyota’s Skydrive
Posted in futurism
Nets turn fog into water
Posted in sustainability
Planting 1.2 trillion trees could undo 10 years of climate change damage!
#WorldEnvironmentDay #ClimateChange #Environment #WorldEnvironmentDay2021