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Sep 30, 2020

Mutations that affect aging: More common than we thought?

Posted by in categories: biological, evolution, life extension

The number of mutations that can contribute to aging may be significantly higher than previously believed, according to new research on fruit flies. The study by scientists at Linköping University, Sweden, supports a new theory about the type of mutation that can lie behind aging. The results have been published in BMC Biology.

We live, we age and we die. Many functions of our bodies deteriorate slowly but surely as we age, and eventually an organism dies. This thought may not be very encouraging, but most of us have probably accepted that this is the fate of all living creatures—death is part of life. However, those who study find it far from clear why this is the case.

“The evolution of aging is, in a manner of speaking, a paradox. Evolution causes continuous adaptation in organisms, but even so it has not resulted in them ceasing to age,” says Urban Friberg, senior lecturer in the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Linköping University and leader of the study.

Sep 30, 2020

NATO’s Autonomous Drone Delivery Experiment Works

Posted by in categories: drones, robotics/AI

autonomous drone delivery

DroneUp and NATO Allied Command Transformation performed an experiment to prove a new and innovative way of resupplying soldiers on the battlefield. The experiment proved that autonomous drone delivery works.

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Sep 30, 2020

5 Common Obstacles of Digital Transformations

Posted by in category: innovation

Digital transformations have become a global trend in recent years. To be clear, in mainstream understanding, the term means to increase the use of data, which can then help us to build “smarter” machines, predict the future, dig out insights, eliminate human errors and maximize efficiency. However, according to the stats released by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and McKinsey & Company, only about 30% of digital transformation projects ended up successfully. The result keeps us wondering: What are the key issues to account for such high failure rate? And more importantly, how can we resolve these issues?

Sep 30, 2020

Buried lakes of water discovered on Mars

Posted by in categories: biological, space

Liquid water is vital for biology, so the finding will be of interest to researchers studying the potential for life elsewhere in the Solar System.

The underground lakes were detected in the Red Planet’s south polar region.

Sep 30, 2020

Crew Dragon Capsule Named Resilience

Posted by in category: space travel

SpaceX Crew-1 Commander Mike Hopkins names the Crew Dragon capsule, that will launch him and three astronauts to the station, Resilience in honor of teams supporting the NASA Commercial Crew Program mission during 2020.

Sep 30, 2020

SpaceX and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) join NASA in giving an overview of the Crew-1 mission

Posted by in category: space travel

SpaceX and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) join NASA in giving an overview of the Crew-1 mission, the first crew rotational flight of a U.S. commercial spacecraft to the International Space Station. NASA astronauts Victor Glover, Mike Hopkins, and Shannon Walker will launch with JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket out of Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Oct. 31 at 2:40 a.m. EDT.

Sep 30, 2020

NASA’s Orion Spacecraft

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, space travel

At this year’s #MSIgnite we revealed how HoloLens 2 is helping build the NASA’s Orion Spacecraft, designed to return astronauts to the moon and pave the way for human exploration to Mars.

Sep 30, 2020

NASA plans to land the first Woman on the Moon by 2024

Posted by in category: space

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Sep 30, 2020

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and leadership from NASA and SpaceX discuss the upcoming SpaceX Crew-1 mission

Posted by in category: space travel

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine and leadership from NASA and SpaceX discuss the upcoming SpaceX Crew-1 mission, which will be the first crew rotational flight of a U.S. commercial spacecraft to the International Space Station. Astronauts Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, and Shannon Walker of NASA and Soichi Noguchi of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) are targeted to launch on Oct. 31 at 2:40 a.m. EDT aboard the Crew Dragon from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Sep 30, 2020

Stars Without Planets Are More Numerous Than You Might Think

Posted by in category: space

Not all stars harbor planets and here’s why.