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It’s an information age gold rush!

On December 2nd, we brought you the news that Microsoft Research developed a new method that allows it to read and write much faster in DNA format. In the last month or so, three other new developments have popped up in DNA storage.

Scientists at the Center for Synthetic Biology from the Northwestern University, Illinois, have revealed a demonstration on DNA storage encoding that manages to fulfill three bits of information in an hour, according to Technology Networks. This new method “relies on an enzymatic system.”

Then, a team from the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) has devised a microchip that can significantly improve the speed at which data can be written in DNA form, according to the BBC. The team expects a 100x improvement over current technologies for DNA storage.

Finally, a team in China at Southeast University in the country’s Jiangsu Provincemade has been reported to be engineering a new process that could produce the first mass-market DNA storage device, according to TechRadar.

The government wants to have a “search engine for faces,” but the experts are wary.

If you haven’t heard of Clearview AI then you should, as the company’s facial recognition technology has likely already spotted you. Clearview’s software goes through public images from social media to help law enforcement identify wanted individuals by matching their public images with those found in government databases or surveillance footage. Now, the company just got permission to be awarded a U.S. federal patent, according to Politico.

The firm is not without its fair share of controversy. It has long faced opposition from privacy advocates and civil rights groups. The first says it makes use of citizens’ faces without their knowledge or consent. The latter warns of the fact that facial recognition technology is notoriously prone to racially-based errors, misidentifying women and minorities much more frequently than white men and sometimes leading to false arrests.

Combining knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering, scientists from McGill University develop a biomaterial tough enough to repair the heart, muscles, and vocal cords, representing a major advance in regenerative medicine.

“People recovering from heart damage often face a long and tricky journey. Healing is challenging because of the constant movement tissues must withstand as the heart beats. The same is true for vocal cords. Until now there was no injectable material strong enough for the job,” says Guangyu Bao, a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University.

The team, led by Professor Luc Mongeau and Assistant Professor Jianyu Li, developed a new injectable hydrogel for wound repair. The hydrogel is a type of biomaterial that provides room for cells to live and grow. Once injected into the body, the biomaterial forms a stable, porous structure allowing live cells to grow or pass through to repair the injured organs.

Google’s Deepmind is working on a rather crazy and unique plan to surpass OpenAI’s biggest and best Artificial Intelligence Model within the next few months. In a new paper, AI researchers at DeepMind present a new technique to improve the capacity of reinforcement learning agents to cooperate with humans at different skill levels. Accepted at the annual NeurIPS conference, the technique is called Fictitious Co-Play (FCP) and it does not require human-generated data to train the RL agents.

00:00 How Deepmind is ahead of OpenAI
01:45 Why this AI is similar to our Brain.
04:17 New AI Features and Abilities.
06:36 How successful was this AI?
08:58 The Future of AI
10:13 Last Words.

#ai #agi #deepmind

Dr Ken Libbrecht is the world expert on snowflakes, designer of custom snowflakes, snowflake consultant for the movie Frozen — his photos appear on postage stamps all over the world. This video is sponsored by Brilliant. The first 200 people to sign up via get 20% off a yearly subscription.

Thanks to Dr Ken Libbrecht for showing us how to grow designer snowflakes. Obviously, this video would not have been possible without his help and his expertise. His website is full of information about snowflakes His new book is also available to purchase from here —

Libbrecht, K. G. (2019). A Quantitative Physical Model of the Snow Crystal Morphology Diagram. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.09067. —


This is the same type of double double DOUBLE down on hyperbolic and aggressive anti expert BS that has pushed a not insignificant portion of the population of the US to throw a violent tantrum against covid19 vaccines and wearing a piece of cloth on their face to keep from DYING. Similarly, ultra environmentalists on the far left have ceased to try to protect the environment FOR future generations. Now they want to protect the environment FROM future generations. They’ve become ANTIHUMAN, often to a disturbingly horrific — if hilariously stupid — extent. LITERALLY. Unless you think we shouldn’t build anything on the sterile, irradiated and dead surface of the moon by polluting it — or any other moon, asteroid, or planet by stepping on it’s surface with our filthy monkey feet. Or throwing trash into the SUN because we’d be…


There is a reason why experts are experts. It isn’t because they want to eat children on pizza with Hillary Clinton with space lizards, nor because they want an irradiated earth beneath their feet. Nuclear power is clean, cheap, and safe. Until fusion gets here, and with electric vehicles quickly becoming the dominant mode of transportation every minute that ticks by, nuclear power isn’t just preferential, its absolutely REQUIRED if we want to get a handle on global warming while simultaneously maintain or improve the standard and quality of life we are accustomed to, and that developing nations will, already are, and SHOULD be seeking for themselves too. Building nuclear power into the foundation of a developing nations energy generation and distribution infrastructure from day one will PREVENT all the massive amount of damage that will inevitably exponentially accelerate global warming and pollution, lowering the quality of life in that nation which will in turn prompt even GREATER use of fossil fuels to mitigate temporarily. Heat caused by fossil fuel powered global warming is dealt with symptomatically by turning up the air-conditioning. Dangerous spikes in particulates and pollution in the air is symptomatically dealt with by using high energy consuming industrial or home air filtration systems, etc. If all that energy comes from coal or other fossil fuels, that lovely tesla you’ve got plugged in to charge in your garage overnight is doing just as much damage to the environment as that douchebag down the street with his fire eagle painted hummer filling up on gasoline before he goes to a kid Rock show that he’s actually LOOKING FORWARD TO!

《☆This isn’t breaking news exactly, but still relevant. I apologize in advance for its, uh, occasional rantishness and length! 😉☆》