Welcome to AIP.
- The main focus of this channel is to publicize and promote existing SoTA AI research works presented in top conferences, removing barrier for people to access the cutting-edge AI research works.
- All videos are either taken from the public internet or the Creative Common licensed, which can be accessed via the link provided in the description.
- To avoid conflict of interest with the ongoing conferences, all videos are published at least 1 week after the main events. A takedown can be requested if it infringes your right via email.
- If you would like your presentation to be published on AIP, feel free to drop us an email.
- AI conferences covered include: NeurIPS (NIPS), AAAI, ICLR, ICML, ACL, NAACL, EMNLP, IJCAI
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The video is reposted for educational purposes and encourages involvement in the field of AI research.