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A Southwest Research Institute scientist measured the properties of ice-brine mixtures as cold as-145 degrees Fahrenheit to help confirm that salty water likely exists between grains of ice or sediment under the ice cap at Mars ’ south pole. Laboratory measurements conducted by SwRI geophysicist Dr. David Stillman support oddly bright reflections detected by the MARSIS subsurface sounding radar aboard ESA’s Mars Express orbiter.

With a 130-foot antenna, MARSIS flies over the planet, bouncing radio waves over a selected area and then receiving and analyzing the echoes or reflections. Any near-surface liquid water should send a strong bright signal, whereas the radar signal for ice and rock would be much smaller.

Because conventional models assume the Mars south polar cap experiences temperatures much lower than the melting point of water, many scientists have questioned the presence of liquid water. Clay, hydrated salts, and saline ices have been proposed as potential explanations for the source of the bright basal reflections. The Italian-led team investigating the proposed phenomena used previously published data, simulations, and new laboratory measurements.

Neuralink, the startup cofounded and run by Elon Musk that hopes to implant computer chips in people’s brains, may have misled federal securities regulators about the billionaire entrepreneur’s role at the company.

That’s according to government documents and Fortune interviews with securities lawyers and a half-dozen former employees of the company. The employees mostly spoke anonymously out of concern for violating nondisclosure agreements and possible retaliation from Musk.

The episode involves a 2018 letter in which an attorney representing Neuralink downplayed Musk’s leadership role at the company in a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The attorney’s characterization contradicts former employees’ accounts, which depict Musk as very much in charge. Neuralink and the attorney involved in the filing did not respond to requests for comment. lawyer for Neuralink told the SEC that Musk had “no executive or management role” at the company. Former employees say that’s far from the truth.

La Niña conditions of 2021 cooled the global average surface temperature. Parts of Australia, southern Africa and northwestern North America saw cooler temperatures during the year.

The La Niña conditions of 2021 took the edge off the global average surface temperature. Parts of Australia, southern Africa and northwestern North America saw cooler temperatures during 2021 compared to recent years as the effects of La Niña kicked in.

Unless we have another strong La Niña very soon, we’re going to keep seeing even hotter years than 2021 for the foreseeable future until net global greenhouse gas emissions cease.

Excerpt taken from a conversation held between Peter Diamandis and Mark Hyman.

In the description of the video is the link of the original video with the entire conversation.

Mark Hyman talks to Peter Diamandis about the future of longevity interventions and why we won’t always have the same idea of aging that we do today.

Among other things, Peter Diamandis is the executive founder of Singularity University, a graduate-level Silicon Valley institution that counsels the world’s leaders on exponentially growing technologies.

He is also the founder and executive chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, which leads the world in designing and operating large-scale incentive competitions.

And no, he’s not a billionaire.

Back in 2017, Mad Mike Hughes built a scrap metal rocket to launch in the Mojave desert in order to prove that the Earth is flat. The story made headlines around the world mostly for its ridiculousness but also because of the impressive achievement that it represented. It was an indication that a simple man, not a billionaire, could actually build a rocket.

That’s why when a group of 50 volunteers at Copenhagen Suborbitals announced they were building a rocket to send to space, the news drew a lot of attention, as first reported by *Futurism*. If the intrepid group of ambitious volunteers actually succeeds in getting their rocket off the ground and into orbit, it will mark a key milestone for humanity. why when a group of 50 volunteers at Copenhagen Suborbitals announced they were building a rocket to send to space, the news drew a lot of attention, as first reported by Futurism. If the intrepid group of ambitious volunteers actually succeeds in getting their rocket off the ground and into orbit, it will mark a key milestone for humanity.