Those uncanny valley in eyes effect should be changed.
These medical professionals are delivering babies from a robotic birth simulator to prepare for life-and-death situations in the hospital room.
Those uncanny valley in eyes effect should be changed.
These medical professionals are delivering babies from a robotic birth simulator to prepare for life-and-death situations in the hospital room.
Stephen Hawking made terrifying predictions of the future. Based on science, the late British physicists predicted several things that could happen on Earth, from the rise of powerful Artificial intelligence to fearful robots poised to destroy humankind. Hawking also spoke about how it was dangerous to search for aliens and how global warming could destroy Earth as we know it.
However, Stephen Hawking also spoke about how abrupt advances in genetic science could lead to creating a future generation of superhumans that could eventually destroy humanity as we know it.
In recently published papers, Prof. Hawking predicted that an elite class of physically altered, intellectually powerful humans could come into existence from rich people choosing to edit their existing DNA and manipulate future generations’ genetic markup.
Fundamental constants like e and π are ubiquitous in diverse fields of science, including physics, biology, chemistry, geometry, and abstract mathematics. Nevertheless, for centuries new mathematical formulas relating fundamental constants are scarce and are usually discovered sporadically by mathematical intuition or ingenuity.
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Papers referenced in the video:
Main study:
Clinical course of the longest-lived man in the world: A case report.
Commonly used clinical chemistry tests as mortality predictors: Results from two large cohort studies.
Predicting age by mining electronic medical records with deep learning characterizes differences between chronological and physiological age.
Look to the binaries.
Aliens may be traveling from one star system to another when two stars get close enough to one another, a study suggests.
Pushing the boundaries of math requires great minds to pose fascinating problems. What if a machine could do it? Now, scientists created one that can.
A rogue wave measuring 58 feet (17.6 meters) tall was recorded off the coast of Vancouver Island, breaking the record for proportionality at three times the size of surrounding waves.
“Only a few rogue waves in high sea states have been observed directly, and nothing of this magnitude. The probability of such an event occurring is one in 1,300 years,” said Johannes Gemmrich, one of the lead researchers on rogue waves at the University of Victoria.
The wave made a splash in the scientific community for being proportionally the most extreme rogue wave ever recorded. Although it occurred in November 2020, the study confirming it was just released February 2 of this year.
Discussion and demos about synchronizing the asynchronous robustly in computing systems.
The T2 Tile Project:
Living Computation Foundation:
The Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV) will help retrieve samples collected by the Perseverance rover.
Circa 2021
Nissan and Waseda University in Tokyo have been working together since 2017, and today, they announced that they are starting the testing of a recycling process that recovers high-purity, rare-earth compounds from electric vehicle motor magnets.
First, they heat a used motor to 2,552F (1,400C) to melt it down. Then iron oxide is added to oxidize the rare-earth elements (REEs).