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New findings will help scientists trace a black hole.

A black hole is a place in space where the pull of gravity is so strong not even light can escape it. Astronomers classify black holes into three categories by size: miniature, stellar, and supermassive black holes. Miniature black holes could have a mass smaller than our Sun and supermassive black holes could have a mass equivalent to billions of our Sun.

In removing cilia from human pluripotent stem cells, Freedman and his colleagues sought to understand what would happen in their subsequent transformation into tissues and organoids. As it happened, the cilia-free stem cells appeared normal but were unable to fully realize new forms.

“It was surprising to me that, at a certain point after they were turning into tissues, they seemed to break down,” Freedman said. “They struggled to transform into anything sophisticated. I think one lesson from this is that the cilia help get cells through their final stage of development.”

It was first reported in 2000 that PKD could stem from defects in cilia, but the mechanism of damage that causes cysts to form has escaped scientists. By creating cilia-free stem cells that harbor disease, Freedman said, the researchers now have a framework with which to test and compare molecular actions in the cilia.

Estimates put this industry’s worth at a staggering $610 billion by 2025. 😳

The Renaissance philosopher Montaigne quipped that “death has us by the scruff of the neck at every moment.” He could have added: until, finally, it strangles us. But what if we knew how to escape death’s chokehold? What if we could avoid death and live forever?

Immortality might seem like the stuff of science fiction, yet it’s increasingly becoming the focus of real science. In 2013, Google launched Calico, a biotech firm whose objective is to “solve” death. PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, meanwhile, has pledged to “fight” death. And last year, it was reported Amazon chairman Jeff Bezos had invested in Altos Labs, a company that plans to “rejuvenate” cells in order to “reverse disease.” (Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

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Tesla Giga Shanghai has resumed over 80% production along with several other companies, according to Chinese official Zhang Hongtao — the chief engineer of the Shanghai Economics and Information Technology Commission.

China created a “whitelist” to support companies resuming production and minimize the impact of Covid along the supply chain. As of Saturday, April 30, approximately 1,854 companies have made it onto the whitelist, including Tesla, and are authorized to resume work.

During a press conference, Zhang stated that Shanghai created a second list of 1,188 companies that can resume work. According to the Global Times, the companies fall into the automobile manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, and biomedicine sector.

I am going another route, and think Lifeboat, and others to may want to think about accounts with Mastodon, and others. We often empower what we don’t like and complain about. How does Mastodon work? Well for starters you can get a dedicated server, you moderate yourself, 🙄…and:

“Mastodon is a social media network comprised of nodes (called ”servers” or ”instances”), each running special software. Anyone can run their own Mastodon instance (if they have the proper dedicated server), which can then link to others in a federation or remain private. Individuals or companies can have complete control over individual Mastodon servers, so there are still centralized points of administration, but it’s not as concentrated as in the case of Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook.

The Mastodon software is open source. It is based on an open-source social networking protocol called ActivityPub, which is developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (the same organization that maintains standards for the web.)

Neil deGrasse Tyson gives his opinion on Elon Musk buying Twitter. Should Elon Musk be spending his time on Twitter or getting us to Mars? What does Neil deGrasse Tyson think of Mars as a backup plan for humanity? Is Neil deGrasse Tyson concerned about Elon Musk’s new policies?

#neildegrassetyson #elonmusk #twitter.

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