The theory, design, and operation of a nuclear propulsion engine advantages are explained verses conventional chemical rockets such as the Saturn V.
The theory, design, and operation of a nuclear propulsion engine advantages are explained verses conventional chemical rockets such as the Saturn V.
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Space is pretty deadly. But is it so deadly that we’re effectively imprisoned in our solar system forever? Many have said so, but a few have actually figured it out.
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The prospect of interstellar travel is no longer sci-fi. It COULD be achievable within our lifetime! But, how would an interstellar rocket-ship work? On this week’s episode of Space Time, Matt talks options for interstellar travel — from traditional rocket fuel to antimatter drives, could we travel to other star systems? Watch this episode of Space Time to find out!
“Quantum Entanglement & Spooky Action at a Distance”:
Traveling far distances in space is difficult, but advances in jet propulsion and genetics are making it possible. Trace is joined by Dr. Kiki Sanford to discuss how by altering the genes in our own bodies, we can make ourselves more fit to survive on other planets!
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The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog.
First Synthetic Yeast Chromosome Revealed.
Posted in computing, neuroscience
At present, our brains are mostly dependent on all the stuff below the neck to turn thought into action. But advances in neuroscience are making it easier than ever to hook machines up to minds. See neuroscientists John Donoghue and Sheila Nirenberg, computer scientist Michel Maharbiz, and psychologist Gary Marcus discuss the cutting edge of brain-machine interactions in “Cells to Silicon: Your Brain in 2050,” part of the Big Ideas series at the 2014 World Science Festival.
This program is part of the Big Ideas Series, made possible with support from the John Templeton Foundation.
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Original Program date: May 29, 2014
Posted in robotics/AI, transhumanism
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In the future we might see the rise of minds entirely on computers, be it uploaded humans, transhumans, or artificial intelligence. But what would such an existence be like? Would they interact with our world or live in entirely virtual realities or simulated universes?
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Bye bye, AR headsets?Mojo Vision, a California-based company that wants to make augmented reality (AR) capable smart contact lenses, has already conducted the first human trial of its technology. Last week, the company’s CEO Drew Perkins became the first person to use the contact lenses and shared his experience in a blog post.
Mojo Vision’s device design includes many firsts and now the prototype is good enough to be trialed. Is the future already here?
What else can deepfakes do?We’ve seen examples of deepfakes being used almost to change the course of history when a Zelensky footage emerged back in March and told the Ukrainian army to lay down arms amid the Russian invasion. Fortunately, it was sloppy, and the army didn’t buy that. And now, if you consider what happens when a post-covid world that birthed many remote job opportunities for digital nomads merges with AI, The FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has t… See more.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has warned that some people are using deepfakes to apply for remote tech jobs.