The results emphasized the role of body posture and stomach motility in drug bioavailability.
* Researchers from Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have conducted a study to examine how body posture and stomach motility affect drug bioavailability. * Stomach contents, motility, and gastric fluid dynamics are also influential factors in a drug’s bioavailability. * “Our models can generate biorelevant data on drug dissolution that can provide useful and unique insights into the complex physiological processes behind the oral administration of pills,” explains the study.
Many of you’ve probably swallowed a medicine sometime in your lives. It’s very common, and many drugs are taken orally, such as tablets, capsules, syrups, or lozenges.
Even though oral medication is one of the most common types of treatment due to the fact that it’s cheap and easy to apply, it comes with a complex downside. Oral administration is actually complicated for the human body to absorb an active pharmaceutical ingredient. This is because the drug’s bioavailability (rate and extent of absorption) in the gastrointestinal tract depends on the medication’s components and the stomach’s dynamic physiological environment.
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