Read more about Present And Future Exist Simultaneously, According To This New Theory.
Read more about Present And Future Exist Simultaneously, According To This New Theory.
Posted in business, government, solar power, space, sustainability
Solar power gathered far away in space, seen here being transmitted wirelessly down to Earth to wherever it is needed. ESA plans to investigate key technologies needed to make Space-Based Solar Power a working reality through its SOLARIS initative. One such technology – wireless power transmission – was recently demonstrated in Germany to an audience of decision makers from business and government.
The demonstration took place at Airbus’ X-Works Innovation Factory in Munich. Using microwave beaming, green energy was transmitted green energy between two points representing ‘Space’ and ‘Earth’ over a distance of 36 metres.
The received power was used to light up a model city, produce green hydrogen by splitting water and even to produce the world’s first wirelessly cooled 0% alcohol beer in a fridge before serving to the watching audience.
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is one of the pillars of the Standard Model of particle physics. It describes the strong interaction – one of the four fundamental forces of nature. This force holds quarks and gluons – collectively known as partons – together in hadrons such as the proton, and protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei. Two hallmarks of QCD are chiral symmetry breaking and asymptotic freedom. Chiral symmetry breaking explains how quarks generate the masses of hadrons and therefore the vast majority of visible mass in the universe. Asymptotic freedom states that the strong force between quarks and gluons decreases with increasing energy. The discovery of these two QCD effects garnered two Nobel prizes in physics, in 2008 and 2004, respectively.
High-energy collisions of lead nuclei at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) explore QCD under the most extreme conditions on Earth. These heavy-ion collisions recreate the quark–gluon plasma (QGP): the hottest and densest fluid ever studied in the laboratory. In contrast to normal nuclear matter, the QGP is a state where quarks and gluons are not confined inside hadrons. It is speculated that the universe was in a QGP state around one millionth of a second after the Big Bang.
The ALICE experiment was designed to study the QGP at LHC energies. It was operated during LHC Runs 1 and 2, and has carried out a broad range of measurements to characterise the QGP and to study several other aspects of the strong interaction. In a recent review, highlights of which are described below, the ALICE collaboration takes stock of its first decade of QCD studies at the LHC. The results from these studies include a suite of observables that reveal a complex evolution of the near-perfect QGP liquid that emerges in high-temperature QCD. ALICE measurements also demonstrate that charm quarks equilibrate extremely quickly within this liquid, and are able to regenerate QGP-melted “charmonium” particle states. ALICE has extensively mapped the QGP opaqueness with high-energy probes, and has directly observed the QCD dead-cone effect in proton–proton collisions. Surprising QGP-like signatures have also been observed in rare proton–proton and proton–lead collisions.
Are online classes the great equalizer?🤣
New psychology findings suggest that attractive students earn higher grades in school, but for female students, this beauty premium disappears when classes are taught remotely. The findings were published in the journal Economic Letters.
A large body of research suggests that physical appearance has an impact on a person’s success. For example, attractive people tend to earn more money and report higher life satisfaction than less attractive people. Interestingly, scholars have yet to agree on the explanation behind this beauty premium.
One account suggests that the beauty advantage can be explained by discrimination. For example, employers may inherently favor attractive over unattractive workers. Another perspective suggests that beauty is a productivity-enhancing attribute. This view suggests that attractiveness lends itself to higher productivity, for example, through increased self-confidence.
The James Webb Space Telescope has revolutionized the way we look at the universe in less.
than a year. Since its launch on December 25, 2021 multiple images captured by the largest.
telescope with potentially the highest infrared resolution and sensitivity have been going viral.
around the globe. James Webb is no doubt the most advanced telescope in human history. The.
telescope’s integrated science instrument module or ISIM framework provides it with electrical.
power, computing framework, cooling capability and structural stability. The ISIM also holds the.
four science instruments and the guide camera of the telescope. The infrared imager NIRICam.
serves as the Observatory’s wavefront sensor while the NIRISpec performs spectroscopy over.
the same wavelength range as that of NIRICam. The Mid-Infrared Instrument measures the mid.
to long infrared wavelengths and the Fine Guidance Center and Near Infrared Imager and.
Slitless Spectrograph is used to stabilize the line of sight during the science observations. So far.
the images and data received from the JWST are well worth the ten billion spent on building this.
miraculous invention. The first ever in ages from the telescope were revealed to the world on.
July 12, 2022 and experts believe these pictures from the largest and most powerful telescope.
in the world demonstrate Webb at its absolute best, fully prepared to further unravel the infrared universe. These included images of cosmic cliffs in the carina nebula, exoplanet WASP-06b.
southern ring nebula, Stephen’s quintet and the brilliant deep field view of the universe. But.
these were just the first batch, since then the James Webb Telescope has provided scientists.
with even more dazzling and awe-inspiring images of the cosmos. Some of these images have.
left astronomers and cosmologists quite confused. A flood of astronomical papers has been.
published since the revelation of these images and data from the JWST, a few of these papers.
have incited panic among the cosmologists. But what exactly is the reason behind this wave of.
panic? Well, it’s the assumption that the findings of James Webb Space Telescope are blatantly.
and repeatedly contradicting the Big Bang Theory. In order to better understand what’s going.
on, we first need to understand what the Big Bang exactly is.
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Physicists are devising clever new ways to exploit the extreme sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors like LIGO. But so far, they’ve seen no signs of exotica.
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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the dark side of the Kardashev Scale! A Type III Civilization might seem as though it should be a dream utopia of endless possibility… but is that really what would happen?? Probably not… and here’s why!
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In a study recently published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering, researchers from Kanazawa University use a method called “lasso-grafting” to design therapeutics with enhanced longevity and brain penetration.
Cell growth and repair are stimulated by biomolecules known as cytokines and growth factors. Unfortunately, delivering adequate concentrations of these molecules to the brain for treating neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease is challenging as they are either cleared out of the blood very quickly or do not penetrate neural tissue effectively.
A research team led by Kunio Matsumoto and Katsuya Sakai at Kanazawa University in collaboration with Junichi Takagi, Osaka University and Hiroaki Suga, the University of Tokyo has now used a technique called “lasso-grafting” to design molecules that replicate growth factors with longer retention in the body and brain penetration.
An in-depth survey of the various technologies for spaceship propulsion, both from those we can expect to see in a few years and those at the edge of theoretical science. We’ll break them down to basics and familiarize ourselves with the concepts.
Note: I made a rather large math error about the Force per Power the EmDrive exerts at 32:10, initial tentative results for thrust are a good deal higher than I calculated compared to a flashlight.
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