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Jun 12, 2024

Pseudomagic quantum states: A path to quantum supremacy

Posted by in category: quantum physics

A new study in Physical Review Letters (PRL) introduces the concept of pseudomagic quantum states, which appear to have high stabilizerness (or complexity) and can move us closer to achieving quantum supremacy.

Jun 12, 2024

Scientists spot more Milky Way-like galaxies in early universe, advancing our understanding of how galaxies were formed

Posted by in category: space

University of Missouri scientists are peering into the past and uncovering new clues about the early universe. Since light takes a long time to travel through space, they are now able to see how galaxies looked billions of years ago.

In a new study, the Mizzou researchers have discovered that spiral galaxies were more common in the than previously thought. The work appears in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

“Scientists formerly believed most spiral galaxies developed around 6 to 7 billion years after the universe formed,” said Yicheng Guo, an associate professor in Mizzou’s Department of Physics and Astronomy and co-author on the study. “However, our study shows spiral galaxies were already prevalent as early as 2 billion years afterward. This means galaxy formation happened more rapidly than we previously thought.”

Jun 12, 2024

New algorithm discovers language just by watching videos

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

Mark Hamilton, an MIT Ph.D. student in electrical engineering and computer science and affiliate of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), wants to use machines to understand how animals communicate. To do that, he set out first to create a system that can learn human language “from scratch.”

Jun 12, 2024

A strikingly natural coincidence: Researchers find heating gallium nitride and magnesium forms a superlattice

Posted by in category: futurism

A study led by Nagoya University in Japan revealed that a simple thermal reaction of gallium nitride (GaN) with metallic magnesium (Mg) results in the formation of a distinctive superlattice structure. This represents the first time researchers have identified the insertion of 2D metal layers into a bulk semiconductor.

Jun 12, 2024

Thermoelectric effect between two liquid materials observed for the first time

Posted by in categories: materials, physics

A trio of physicists at Sorbonne Université, in France, has observed a thermoelectric effect between two liquid materials for the first time. In their study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Marlone Vernet, Stephan Fauve and Christophe Gissinger put two types of liquid metals together at room temperature and subjected them to a heat gradient.

Jun 12, 2024

High-precision timing data determine upper limit for photon mass

Posted by in category: space

In a study published in The Astrophysical Journal, Prof. Zhou Xia from the Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and collaborators have, for the first time, derived the dispersion relation for photons with nonzero mass propagating in plasma, and established a stringent upper limit for the photon mass at 9.52 × 10–46 kg (5.34 × 10–10 eV c-2) using data collected by ultra-wideband (UWB) receivers from pulsar timing and fast radio bursts (FRBs).

Jun 12, 2024

Scientists Achieve Million-Fold Energy Enhancement in Diamond Optical Antennas

Posted by in categories: energy, engineering, physics

Theory has become practice as new work from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering taps diamond defects’ remarkable ability to concentrate optical energy.

Researchers have developed atomic antennas using germanium vacancy centers in diamonds, achieving a million-fold optical energy enhancement. This advancement allows the study of fundamental physics and opens new research avenues. The collaboration between theoretical and experimental teams was essential to this breakthrough.

Atomic antennas: harnessing light for powerful signals.

Jun 12, 2024

Mysterious Origins: Polarized Light Transforms Our Understanding of Fast Radio Bursts

Posted by in categories: mapping, space

A study analyzing the properties of polarized light from 128 non-repeating FRBs reveals mysterious cosmic explosions originate in far-away galaxies like our own Milky Way.

New research from the University of Toronto utilizing data from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment reveals that the majority of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) likely originate from environments similar to our Milky Way, with modest densities and magnetic fields. This finding contrasts with earlier studies which suggested that repeating FRBs come from highly magnetized areas.

Fast Radio Burst Research Advancements

Jun 12, 2024

Webb Is a Supernova Discovery Machine: 10x More Supernovae in Early Universe

Posted by in category: cosmology

The JADES Deep Field uses observations taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JADES (JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey) program. A team of astronomers studying JADES data identified about 80 objects (circled in green) that changed in brightness over time. Most of these objects, known as transients, are the result of exploding stars or supernovae. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, JADES Collaboration.

Peering deeply into the cosmos, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is providing scientists with their first detailed glimpse of supernovae from a time when our universe was just a small fraction of its current age. A team using Webb data has identified 10 times more supernovae in the early universe than were previously known. A few of the newfound exploding stars are the most distant examples of their type, including those used to measure the universe’s expansion rate.

Continue reading “Webb Is a Supernova Discovery Machine: 10x More Supernovae in Early Universe” »

Jun 12, 2024

Revolutionizing Our Understanding of Ancient Warfare — New Study Validates the Combat Readiness of 3500-Year-Old Greek Armor

Posted by in category: military

A new study confirmed that a 3500-year-old Mycenaean suit of armor was combat-ready, as evidenced by tests with Greek Marines enduring a rigorous combat simulation, highlighting its significant role in Mycenaean military prowess.

A study recently published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE reveals that a famous Mycenaean suit of armor was designed for extended combat, not just for ceremonial purposes. The research, conducted by Andreas Flouris and colleagues at the University of Thessaly in Greece, supports its use in active warfare.

One of the oldest known suits of European armor is a 3500-year-old suit found near the village of Dendra, a few kilometers away from ancient Mycenae. Since its discovery in 1960, it has been unclear if this was a ceremonial suit or if it was suitable for battle. This question has important implications for understanding warfare in Late Bronze Age Europe, but no historical accounts describe the use of this style of armor. In this study, researchers combine historical and experimental evidence to investigate the combat suitability of the Dendra armor.

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