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Researchers at the Allen Institute have identified a specific brain region in mice where aging triggers significant changes in numerous cell types. The study also pinpointed which cell types undergo the most profound transformations.

This new information, published in the journal Nature, points toward potential approaches for slowing or controlling the aging process in the brain.

The research was focused on numerous glial cell types – the brain’s “support cells” – that demonstrated considerable shifts in gene activity with age. Among the cells most affected were microglia, border-associated macrophages, oligodendrocytes, tanycytes, and ependymal cells.

Getting back to the moon is the primary goal of NASA’s Artemis program, but what do we do once we get there? That is the challenge tackled by a group of students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who wrote a proposal for a lunar infrastructure module they call the Trans-lunar Hub for Exploration, ISRU, and Advancement—or THEIA, after the proposed object that crashed into the Earth that created the moon as we know it today.

Their submission was part of the NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts—Academic Linkage project, where teams from various academic institutions submitted papers focusing on the theme of Sustained Lunar Evolution for 2024.

To be clear, THEIA is not meant to serve as the central hub of NASA’s lunar exploration activities. The responsibility would still go to the Artemis base the agency has been working on. It is meant to serve as a hub for four main things that the team believes every long-term will need: power, communications, transportation, and In-situ resource utilization (ISRU).

A new study in published in Physical Review Letters analyzes the most complete set of galaxy clustering data to test the ΛCDM model, revealing discrepancies in the formation of cosmic structures in the universe, hinting at a new physics.

The ΛCDM model is the standard model of cosmology describing the universe’s evolution, expansion, and structure. It encompasses (CDM), normal matter and radiation, and the cosmological constant (Λ), which accounts for .

The model has been successful in explaining several cosmological observations, including the large-scale structure of the universe, the accelerating expansion of the universe, and the (CMB) radiation, which is the afterglow of the Big Bang.

Mitochondria are vital to energy production in cells and so play a key role in fueling cancer growth. However, how mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contributes to cancer has been unclear.

Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital studied varying levels of mutated mtDNA to see their effect on . They found that while cancer growth was blocked in cells in which all mitochondria contained mutated mtDNA, it was notably increased in cells with moderate amounts of mutated mtDNA. By amplifying an enzyme vital to energy production, the researchers were also able to restart cancer growth in cells with fully mutated mtDNA.

Collectively, these findings highlight an unexplored connection between mitochondrial DNA and cancer cells’ metabolic function. The findings were published Jan. 1 in Science Advances.

The wave-particle duality was demonstrated not only with electrons, but when it came to atoms and even molecules, things got complicated. Electrons are 1,800 times lighter than the lightest atom (something discovered by Thomson’s father J.J. Thomson) so they can more easily diffract through the lattice of a crystal.

Atom diffraction had so far been seen in reflection. The atoms were bounced off a surface that was etched to have a grating. The lines don’t need to be as thin as 10,000 times smaller than a hair, like the most important machine you’ve never heard of makes them. Grids with much larger lines, which could have been made in the 1930s, were enough to showcase this phenomenon. However, researchers haven’t been able to show the diffraction of atoms through a crystal until now.

In a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, Carina Kanitz and colleagues from the Institute of Quantum Technologies and the University of Vienna demonstrated diffractions of hydrogen and helium atoms using a one-atom-thick sheet of graphene. The atoms are shot perpendicularly at the graphene sheet at high energy. This should damage the crystal but it doesn’t, and it’s the secret of this successful experiment.

Dust storms on Mars could one day pose dangers to human astronauts, damaging equipment and burying solar panels. New research gets closer to predicting when extreme weather might erupt on the Red Planet.

Today’s weather report on Mars: Windy with a chance of catastrophic dust storms blotting out the sky.

In a new study, planetary scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder have begun to unravel the factors that kick off major dust storms on Mars — weather events that sometimes engulf the entire planet in swirling grit. The team discovered that relatively warm and sunny days may help to trigger them.

New research demonstrates a brand-new architecture for scaling up superconducting quantum devices. Researchers at the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (UChicago PME) have realized a new design for a superconducting quantum processor, aiming at a potential architecture for the large-scale, durable devices the quantum revolution demands.

Unlike the typical quantum chip design that lays the information-processing qubits onto a 2-D grid, the team from the Cleland Lab has designed a modular quantum processor comprising a reconfigurable router as a central hub. This enables any two qubits to connect and entangle, where in the older system, qubits can only talk to the qubits physically nearest to them.

“A quantum computer won’t necessarily compete with a classical computer in things like memory size or CPU size,” said UChicago PME Prof. Andrew Cleland. “Instead, they take advantage of a fundamentally different scaling: Doubling a classical computer’s computational power requires twice as big a CPU, or twice the clock speed. Doubling a quantum computer only requires one additional qubit.”

Scientists have made a game-changing discovery suggesting that marine bacteria in ocean waters may be able to store carbon, potentially giving the world another promising solution as we aim to bring Earth’s climate back into balance.

According to a media release by UC Irvine News, a team from the University of California, Irvine, studied concentrations of carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules, or CRAM, in Baffin Bay, situated between Canada and Greenland.

The findings, published in the journal Nature Communications, have upended what researchers thought they knew, with some molecules stored in deep ocean waters while others quickly rise.

Scientists recreated molecular switches that regulate biological timing, aiding nanotechnology and explaining evolutionary advantages.

Living organisms monitor time – and react to it – in many different ways, from detecting light and sound in microseconds to responding physiologically in pre-programmed ways, via their daily sleep cycle, monthly menstrual cycle, or to changes in the seasons.

These time-sensitive reactions are enabled by molecular switches or nanomachines that function as precise molecular timers, programmed to activate or deactivate in response to environmental cues and time intervals.