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Daniel Dennett.
May 14, 2014

Serious thinkers contend that free will cannot exist in a deterministic universe — one in which events are the singular outcomes of the conditions in which they occur. The alternative view, that free will is prerequisite for personal responsibility and morality, is the basis of our legal and religious institutions. Philosopher Daniel Dennett unravels this conundrum and asks whether we must jettison one of these notions, or whether they can co-exist. He then asks: if free will is an illusion, as many scientists say, should we conclude that we don’t need real free will to be responsible for our actions?

Daniel Dennett is the Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy and Director, Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University.

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Today we’re going to try to save reality — or at least realism. However this rescue effort has a price; one that you may not be willing to pay. Your very soul, or at least your free will, is on the line.

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Derk Pereboom claims that free will is impossible because of its incompatibility with both determinism and indeterminism. Also he defends a robust nonreductive physicalism. It says that although consciousness can’t be reduced to physical it’s not something over and above physical.
The interview was taken by Vadim Vasiliev and Dmitry Volkov. Below you’ll see a list of questions of the interview.
1. The most influential books.
2. What are the differences between notions of moral responsibility and basic desert?
3. Which type of punishment should be eliminated if we find out that there is no justification for basic desert?
4. Is indignation as a reaction on wrongdoing a kind of irrational emotion?
5. How was the manipulation argument invented?
6. Why you’ve recently changed a presentation of the first case of Manipulation Argument?
7. How does the problem of free will relate to the problem of mental causation?
8. Could the problem of personal identity pose difficulties for moral responsibility and for basic desert? And why causal determinism is at the focus of free will debate?
9. Is there a real difference between hard incompatibilist’s position and that of compatibilists?
10. Can you list or name some differences and similarities between you and Daniel Dennett?
11. Could cognitive science and neuroscience eliminate the discussion on free will?
12. What is a definition of mental?
13. What were the most important changes of your views?
14. What is meaning of life?
15. What is your current research?

“Of course, we need to finetune everything before we can apply it to humans. But I would say that 10 years is a realistic timeline,” Ngo-Anh said.

This fine-tuning is already underway. First studies have shown that it’s possible to induce torpor (opens in new tab) in otherwise non-hibernating animals, such as rats, and bring them safely back to life a few days later. The process of triggering hibernation is rather intricate and involves reduced exposure to daylight and a period of intense feeding followed by a strict fast.

Year 2016 This is a simple set up for running an electric engine without wires with a tesla coil.

This is a small demonstration showing how Tesla’s wireless technology can run motors and other various devices. Although the setup is only using about 500–600 ma, the results are dependable up to about three feet from the transmitter.

This is a schematic of the experiment. Almost any small npn and pnp transistors will work for the motor driver circuits which are full wave on the top and a half wave on the bottom diagram. these are typical but slightly simplified John Bedini circuits or class A or B amplifier circuits.

😗 year 2021.

A term MEG refers to motionless electromagnetic generator circuit which is designed to generate electrical energy without using any moving components or involving any kind of mechanical stages.

The device is made solely through a strategic placement and interaction of permanent magnets, coils and a ferromagnetic core. The specialty of this device as claimed by the inventors and researchers lies in its potential to generate an output power much higher than the induced input triggering power.

A new, giant species of trapdoor spider has been discovered in Queensland, Australia, which researchers are describing as “rare” and “secretive.”

The species, Euoplos dignitas, was identified after four years of intensive fieldwork by researchers at Queensland Museum, following the discovery of an undescribed species in the museum’s collection.

“This species was first known from older specimens stored in the Queensland Museum collection, mostly collected in the early and mid-20th century,” Michael Rix, principal curator of arachnology at Queensland Museum, who led the study, told Newsweek.