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To describe how matter works at infinitesimal scales, researchers designate collective behaviors with single concepts, like calling a group of birds flying in sync a “flock” or “murmuration.” Known as quasiparticles, the phenomena these concepts refer to could be the key to next-generation technologies.

In a recent study published in Science Advances, a team of researchers led by Shengxi Huang, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and materials science and nanoengineering at Rice, describe how one such type of quasiparticle—polarons—behaves in tellurene, a nanomaterial first synthesized in 2017 that is made up of tiny chains of tellurium atoms and has properties useful in sensing, electronic, optical and .

“Tellurene exhibits dramatic changes in its electronic and optical properties when its thickness is reduced to a few nanometers compared to its bulk form,” said Kunyan Zhang, a Rice doctoral alumna who is a first author on the study. “Specifically, these changes alter how electricity flows and how the material vibrates, which we traced back to the transformation of polarons as tellurene becomes thinner.”

When sound waves reach the inner ear, neurons there pick up the vibrations and alert the brain. Encoded in their signals is a wealth of information that enables us to follow conversations, recognize familiar voices, appreciate music, and quickly locate a ringing phone or crying baby.

Neurons send signals by emitting spikes—brief changes in voltage that propagate along nerve fibers, also known as . Remarkably, can fire hundreds of spikes per second, and time their spikes with exquisite precision to match the oscillations of incoming sound waves.

With powerful new models of human hearing, scientists at MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research have determined that this is vital for some of the most important ways we make sense of auditory information, including recognizing voices and localizing sounds.

UCLA materials scientists have developed a compact cooling technology that can pump away heat continuously using layers of flexing thin films. The design is based on the electrocaloric effect, in which an electric field causes a temporary change in a material’s temperature.

In lab experiments, the researchers found that the prototype could lower ambient temperatures of its immediate surroundings by 16 degrees Fahrenheit continuously and up to 25 degrees at the source of the heat after about 30 seconds.

Detailed in a paper published in the journal Science, the approach could be incorporated into wearable technology or portable cooling devices.

Back in the old days—the really old days—the task of designing materials was laborious. Investigators, over the course of 1,000-plus years, tried to make gold by combining things like lead, mercury, and sulfur, mixed in what they hoped would be just the right proportions. Even famous scientists like Tycho Brahe, Robert Boyle, and Isaac Newton tried their hands at the fruitless endeavor we call alchemy.

Materials science has, of course, come a long way. For the past 150 years, researchers have had the benefit of the periodic table of elements upon which to draw, which tells them that different elements have different properties, and one can’t magically transform into another. Moreover, in the past decade or so, machine learning tools have considerably boosted our capacity to determine the structure and physical properties of various and substances.

New research by a group led by Ju Li—the Tokyo Electric Power Company Professor of Nuclear Engineering at MIT and professor of and engineering—offers the promise of a major leap in capabilities that can facilitate materials design. The results of their investigation appear in Nature Computational Science.

The operation and performance of quantum computers relies on the ability to realize and control entanglement between multiple qubits. Yet entanglement between many qubits is inherently susceptible to noise and imperfections in quantum gates.

In recent years, and engineers worldwide have thus been trying to develop more robust protocols to realize and control entanglement. To be most effective for real-world applications, these approaches should reliably support long-range entanglement, or in other words ensure that qubits remain entangled even when they are separated by large distances.

Researchers at IBM Quantum, University of Cologne and Harvard University set out to demonstrate one of these protocols in an experimental setting.

Enhanced Sensitivity and Wave-Structure Interaction in Nonsingular Flat-Band Lattices with Compact Localized States

A team of UConn College of Engineering (CoE) researchers have achieved a major milestone in the field of phononics with the first experimental demonstration of an all-flat phononic band structure (AFB). Phononics concerns the study of sound and heat control.

The breakthrough, detailed in an article just published in Physical Review Letters, introduces a new class of materials capable of uniquely controlling sound and vibrations by trapping energy with unprecedented intensity, offering exciting possibilities for potential applications in acoustics, vibration insulation, energy harvesting, and beyond.

The work, led by Professor Osama Bilal, director of the Wave Engineering Laboratory for Extreme and Intelligent Matter (We-Xite), along with doctoral student Mahmoud Samak, unlocks a new recipe for engineering materials with exotic behavior. In the experiments, the material serves a double function, Bilal explains, by being a perfect sound vacuum and wave amplifier at the same time.

Physicists have spent more than a century measuring and making sense of the strange ways that photons, electrons, and other subatomic particles interact at extremely small scales. Engineers have spent decades figuring out how to take advantage of these phenomena to create new technologies.

In one such phenomenon, called , pairs of photons become interconnected in such a way that the state of one instantly changes to match the state of its paired photon, no matter how far apart they are.

Nearly 80 years ago, Albert Einstein referred to this phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance.” Today, entanglement is the subject of research programs across the world—and it’s becoming a favored way to implement the most fundamental form of quantum information, the qubit.

Quantum computing promises to solve complex problems exponentially faster than a classical computer, by using the principles of quantum mechanics to encode and manipulate information in quantum bits (qubits).

Qubits are the building blocks of a quantum computer. One challenge to scaling, however, is that qubits are highly sensitive to background noise and control imperfections, which introduce errors into the quantum operations and ultimately limit the complexity and duration of a quantum algorithm. To improve the situation, MIT researchers and researchers worldwide have continually focused on improving qubit performance.

In new work, using a superconducting qubit called fluxonium, MIT researchers in the Department of Physics, the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) developed two new control techniques to achieve a world-record single-qubit fidelity of 99.998%. This result complements then-MIT researcher Leon Ding’s demonstration last year of a 99.92% two-qubit gate fidelity.

Since Morinaga proposed more than six decades ago that the excited \(0_2^+\) state in the 16 O nucleus was deformed1, a large body of experimental evidence has been collected to demonstrate that atomic nuclei can possess different shapes2. Apart from the lightest elements, shape coexistence has been suggested to be present in all nuclei3 and the competition of different configurations can result in several different shapes within the same nucleus4. Nevertheless, coexistence of three or more total energy minima near the ground state have been predicted to occur in only few regions in the chart of nuclei5, but direct experimental proof remained to be obtained. A notable example to date is the 186 Pb104 nucleus, where the three lowest-energy states are 0+ states, each assigned with a different shape – namely spherical, prolate and oblate6,7. The 186 Pb nucleus lies at the heart of the neutron-deficient Pb region, which has been a subject for numerous theoretical and experimental investigations3,8,9,10,11. Within the mean-field picture, the total energy curve along the quadrupole deformation shows spherical, prolate and oblate minima close in energy. These minima are related to the spherical Z = 82 shell gap, and prolate and oblate deformed gaps in the proton and neutron Nilsson orbitals, respectively. From a shell model perspective, the deformed minima (noted as \(\pi (h_9/24)\) for prolate and \(\pi (h_9/22)\) for oblate in the present work) are expected to have a complex spherical multiparticle-multihole configuration both for protons and neutrons10,11,12. Similar competition of different configurations is present in neighbouring isotopes around the N = 104 midshell13. In 188 Pb, in addition to low-lying deformed bands associated with predominantly prolate and oblate shapes14,15,16, three isomeric states assigned with different shapes17,18 have been proposed.

Intruding structures built on different configurations have also been observed in nuclei in the region around 186 Pb. In fact, the shape staggering of Hg isotopes observed in an isotopic shift experiment was a groundbreaking discovery in the 1970’s19 that triggered multiple investigations into shape coexistence. Laser spectroscopic measurements have examined the onset of ground-state deformation also in the even-mass Po and Pt isotopes20,21. Since the neutron-deficient Pb isotopes are spherical in their ground states22,23,24, the onset of deformation in the Pb isotopes can be assessed by investigating the \(2_1^+\) states. It is proposed that the heaviest Pb nucleus exhibiting collectivity associated with deformation is 194 Pb25, whereas in heavier Pb isotopes the underlying configurations of the lowest excited states arise from single-nucleon excitations in the seniority scheme leading to a spherical interpretation26.

Science is always looking for more computing power and more efficient tools capable of answering its questions. Quantum computers are the new frontier in data processing, as they use the quantum properties of matter, such as the superposition of states and entanglement, to perform very complex operations.

A research team coordinated by the Department of Physics of the University of Trento had the opportunity to test some hypotheses on confinement in Z2 lattice gauge theory on the quantum computers of Google’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, in California. Their work was published in Nature Physics.

Gauge theories describe the fundamental forces in the and play an important role in condensed matter physics. The constituents of gauge theories, such as charged matter and electric gauge field, are governed by local gauge constraints, which lead to key phenomena that are not yet fully understood. In this context, quantum simulators may offer solutions that cannot be reached using conventional computers.