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For a long time, neuroscientists believed that the neurons you are born with are the neurons you have for the rest of your life, and any neuron lost will not be replaced. Recent research has shown that specific brain regions contain neural stem cells that can generate new neurons. In this talk, Dr Daniel Berg of the University of Aberdeen will discuss what we know about these stem cells and what we can do to activate them to generate more neurons.

Blog post with audio player, show notes, and transcript:…al-theory/

Is there a multiverse, and if so, how should we think of ourselves within it? In many modern cosmological models, the universe includes more than one realm, with possibly different laws of physics, and these realms may or may not include intelligent observers. There is a longstanding puzzle about how, in such a scenario, we should calculate what we, as presumably intelligent observers ourselves, should expect to see. Today’s guest, Thomas Hertog, is a physicist and longstanding collaborator of Stephen Hawking. They worked together (often with James Hartle) to address these questions, and the work is still ongoing.

Thomas Hertog received his Ph.D. in physics from Cambridge University. He is currently a professor of theoretical physics at KU Leuven. His new book is On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking’s Final Theory.

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Watch this presentation on LabRoots at:…ippocampus.

In the adult central nervous system (CNS) small populations of neurons are formed in the adult olfactory bulb and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. In the adult hippocampus, newly born neurons originate from stem cells that exist in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. Progeny of these putative stem cells differentiate into neurons in the granular layer within a month of the cells’ birth, and this late neurogenesis continues throughout the adult life of all mammals. Environmental stimulation can differentially effect the proliferation, migration and differentiation of these cells in vivo. These environmentally induced changes in the structural organization of the hippocampus, result in changes in electrophysiological responses in the hippocampus, as well as in hippocampal related behaviors. We are studying the cellular, molecular, as well as environmental influences that regulate neurogenesis in the adult brain. We have recently identified several molecules that work coordinately to regulate proliferation, survival and differentiation of these adult derived stem cells. In addition, we have demonstrated that specific types of activity can influence the behavior of these newly born cells. Finally, we have developed several methods to monitor the in vivo maturation of neurogenesis in vivo, which has provided insight to the functional importance of neurogenesis to behavior. A consensus model of the function of adult neurogenesis is emerging.

According to new research, butterflies and moths share “blocks” of DNA that are more than 200 million years old. Scientists from the Universities of Exeter (UK), Lübeck (Germany) and Iwate (Japan) devised a tool to compare the chromosomes (DNA molecules) of different butterflies and moths.

They found blocks of chromosomes that exist in all moth and butterfly species, and also in Trichoptera – aquatic caddisflies that shared a common ancestor with moths and butterflies some 230 million years ago. Moths and butterflies (collectively called Lepidoptera) have widely varying numbers of chromosomes – from 30 to 300 – but the study’s findings show remarkable evidence of shared blocks of homology (similar structure) going back through time.

“DNA is compacted into individual particles or chromosomes that form the basic units of inheritance,” said Professor Richard ffrench-Constant, from the Centre for Ecology and Conservation on Exeter’s Penryn Campus in Cornwall. “If genes are on the same ‘string’, or chromosome, they tend to be inherited together and are therefore ‘linked’.

FUTABA, Japan (AP) — At Japan’s tsunami-wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, giant blue pipes have been constructed to bring in torrents of seawater to dilute treated, radioactive water under a plan to discharge it gradually into the Pacific Ocean.

Workers were making final preparations as Associated Press journalists received a rare opportunity Friday to get a look at key equipment and facilities for the release, expected in coming weeks or months.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has looked at Japan’s wastewater-release plan and said it would cause negligible radioactivity in the sea and no effect on neighboring countries. But the plans continue to draw strong protest and no starting date has been set.

Nuclear fusion propulsion technology has the potential to revolutionize space travel in terms of both speeds and fuel usage. The same kinds of reactions that power the Sun could halve travel times to Mars, or make a journey to Saturn and its moons take just two years rather than eight.

It’s incredibly exciting, but not everyone is convinced this is going to work: the tech needs ultra-high temperatures and pressures to function.

To help prove the viability of the technology, the largest ever fusion rocket engine is now being built by Pulsar Fusion in Bletchley, in the UK.

A recent work introduces a cellular deconvolution method, MeDuSA, of estimating cell-state abundance along a one-dimensional trajectory from bulk RNA-seq data with fine resolution and high accuracy, enabling the characterization of cell-state transition in various biological processes.

Single-cell transcriptomic techniques continue to revolutionize the resolution of cell analysis, determining discrete cell types and cell states with continuous dynamic transitions that can be related to development and disease progression5. Cells in different states can be computationally ordered according to a pseudo-time series, or cell trajectory6. Both MeDuSA and another method, Cell Population Mapping (CPM)7, were developed to exploit the rich spectrum of single-cell reference profiles to estimate cell-state abundance in bulk RNA-seq data, which enables fine-resolution cellular deconvolution (Fig. 1b). Although CPM effectively tackles the issue of estimating the abundance of cells in different states, MeDuSA further improves the estimation accuracy by employing a LMM (see the equation in Fig. 1c) that takes into account both the cell state of interest (focal state) and the remaining cells of the same cell type (non-focal state) as well as the other cell types.