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The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has announced that three researchers associated with the UAH Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) have discovered a gamma-ray burst (GRB) approximately 2.4 billion light-years away in the constellation Sagitta that ranks as the brightest ever observed. Believed to have been triggered by collapse of a massive star, it is accompanied by a supernova explosion, giving birth to a black hole.

Dr. Peter Veres, an assistant professor with CSPAR, Dr. Michael S. Briggs, CSPAR principal research scientist and assistant director, and Stephen Lesage, a UAH graduate research assistant, collaborated on the discovery and analysis of the . The researchers operate the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) at UAH, a part of the University of Alabama System.

The GBM is an instrument in low-Earth orbit aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope that can see the entire sky not blocked by the Earth and hunts for GRBs as part of its main program.

Astronomers from the University of Washington in Seattle and elsewhere have conducted Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of the nearby Fireworks Galaxy. Results of the observational campaign, presented July 10 on the preprint server arXiv, yield crucial insights into the recent star formation history of this galaxy.

Discovered in 1,798, the Fireworks Galaxy (also known as NGC 6946) is a nearby face-on star forming located some 25.5 million light years away. The galaxy has a size of 87,300 and its name was coined due to an unusually large number of supernovae observed in it—about ten times more than in the Milky Way.

Although many studies of the Fireworks Galaxy have been conducted to date, its star formation rate (SFR) is not well constrained, estimated to be between three and 12 per year. This discrepancy is mainly due to the diverse methods of measuring and the wide range of different distances used.

A team of scientists from Sandia National Laboratories and Texas A&M University has recently witnessed for the first time a stunning phenomenon: pieces of metal cracking, then fusing back together without any human intervention.

If this amazing phenomenon can be harnessed, it could give rise to an engineering revolution in which self-healing bridges, engines, or airplanes could reverse damage caused by wear and tear and thus become safer and longer-lasting.

“This was absolutely stunning to watch first-hand,” said Brad Boyce, a materials scientist at Sandia. “What we have confirmed is that metals have their own intrinsic, natural ability to heal themselves, at least in the case of fatigue damage at the nanoscale.”

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Is emergence a mystery? Does ordinary stuff have mysterious properties? Take anything; find and separate all its parts and catalogue their properties. Then recombine those parts. What would you get? Nothing at all like what you expect from the sum of all those properties. It’s called ’emergence’ and it describes how wondrously our world works on every level.

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The story of a young science-writer at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, who risked everything by blowing the whistle on a massive cover-up involving a promising cancer therapy.

Cover-Up Of Promising Cancer Treatment (2014)
Director: Eric Merola.
Writers: Eric Merola.
Stars: Robert Good, Ben Moss, Martha Moss.
Genre: Documentary, Biography, Drama.
Country: United States.
Language: English.
Also Known As: Second Opinion — The Lie of America’s War on Cancer.
Release Date: March 1, 2014 (United States)

“This movie hits home since my dad died of cancer when I was 13 and it upsets me tremendously to think that our overall health care system has been corrupted due to the profit system. The Hippocratic oath seems to be more focused on maintaining the status quo of profit versus curing medical problems.

The Movie: An insider’s account from the 70’s at a well known NYC cancer research hospital exposing the truth (using the hospital’s own records) behind how the profit system has corrupted the search for finding a “cure” for cancer. A promising treatment was swept under the rug and the scientist who found it (co-founder of chemotherapy) was forced to lie about his treatment. The treatment was not the “cure”, but it worked remarkably well and very cheap. The problem was it was “very cheap”. Even though the movie is centered around 1 character and it’s almost entirely a narrative, the topic and the evidence is so damning, it’s exciting. It’s a knock-out punch guilty as charged for the hospital. Definitely recommended to all.”

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have unlocked a new frontier in the fight against aging and age-related diseases. The study, conducted by a team of scientists at Harvard Medical School, has published the first chemical approach to reprogram cells to a younger state. Previously, this was only achievable using a powerful gene therapy.

The team’s findings build upon the discovery that the expression of specific genes, called Yamanaka factors, could convert adult cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This Nobel Prize-winning discovery raised the question of whether it might be possible to reverse cellular aging without causing cells to become too young and turn cancerous.


Following the success of its first campaign, which was raising money to identify therapeutics that reduce senescent cell accumulation and extend healthspan, the SENS Research Foundation has announced the next funding project.

Last month, we covered the fundraiser for Dr Abdelhadi Rebbaa’s research into the discovery and testing of novel senolytic molecules, which would back into his discovery of potential anti-senescence therapeutics. SRF has confirmed that this campaign is now fully funded.

Now SENS Research Foundation has launched its second campaign for Dr Amutha Boominathan’s project Finding a cure for mitochondrial DNA diseases through COX2 variations to restore cell function, hoping to raise $8,000 over 45 days, with the campaign coming to an end next month, on 30th August. Dr Boominathan is head of the MitoSENS program at SENS Research Foundation.