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Feb 9, 2023

Resveratrol Inhibits respiratory syncytial virus-induced IL-6 production, decreases viral replication, and downregulates TRIF expression in airway epithelial cells

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

There should be some vaccine against common cold because globally millions of people suffer s due to this disease.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common pathogen responsible for lower respiratory diseases in children. So far, there is no effective treatment or preventative vaccine available for RSV infection, although ribavirin and dexamethasone are commonly prescribed. Resveratrol has been shown to inhibit the replication of several other viruses, thus the effect of resveratrol on RSV-induced inflammatory mediators in 9HTEo cell cultures was evaluated, and possible mechanisms of action were explored and compared with dexamethasone and ribavirin. Incubation with resveratrol resulted in decreased IL-6 production and partial inhibition of RSV replication. Resveratrol treatment also inhibited virus-induced TIR-domain-containing adapter-inducing interferon-β (TRIF) and TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK1) protein expression. These data demonstrate the ability of resveratrol to inhibit cytokine production by RSV in airway epithelial cells, indicating that it might be a therapeutic agent with both anti-inflammatory and antiviral potential for the treatment of RSV infection.

Feb 9, 2023

Google to launch ChatGPT Competitor, Bard, Conversational AI, LaMDA based

Posted by in categories: internet, robotics/AI, space

Game on!

Google PR:

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Feb 9, 2023

Coming up in 2023: the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will return its sample of asteroid Bennu to Earth!

Posted by in categories: materials, space


On September 24, 2023, the sample return capsule will detach from the spacecraft, perform an entry, descent and landing sequence, and touch down in the Utah desert.

Thanks to our contribution to the mission, Canada will receive a portion of the asteroid material!


Feb 9, 2023

A dietary supplement leads to remarkable regression in atherosclerotic lesions

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

When we were little, our parents told us to take our vitamins so we could grow big and strong. Now, researchers from Japan find that one particular supplement may even fix a broken heart.

In a study that published recently in European Heart Journal, researchers from Osaka University have revealed that a dietary supplement can dramatically reverse the signs of heart disease in a subset of patients.

Coronary artery disease (CAD), which involves narrowing or even closing of the arteries of the heart and often leads to heart attack, is a major cause of death worldwide. Despite the existence of treatments such as cholesterol-lowering drugs and drug-eluting stents—a new stent technology for local drug delivery—death from this condition is still common, and some patients appear to be resistant to treatment.

Feb 9, 2023

Our doggie Kaia just had some organs removed (spayed) and I was surprised that she didn’t get the standard cone of shame

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI

It turns out that it is now pretty standard to have no external stitches for spaying, and in fact, if I had to do it over again, I would have picked one port keyhole surgery which would have been even easier to heal from. (That would have required switching vets.) So for only $400, Kaia not only had advanced surgery with no outside stitches, but she was made into a cyborg with a microchip being implanted. Pretty impressive!

This is just one example of us rushing headlong into a science fiction-type future. The biggest such example being ChatGPT which feels way more intelligent than previous chatbots. It used to be that Ray Kurzweil would say that we would have AGI in 2029 and everyone else predicted dates such as 2070 or never. Now many people pick 2029 and I could definitely see the tech behind ChatGPT being part of the recipe for AGI. For me, the first example that AGI was coming, was Content-Aware Fill being added to Photoshop. That feature allows you to erase a person from a beach scene in one quick step. Very impressive!

One more example of tech advancing is that a few years ago my right eye’s retina partially detached. My doctor did surgery with cryotherapy in his office, and inserted a sulfur hexafluoride bubble to stabilize everything. He followed up the next day with laser therapy, again in his office. No hospital needed. Eye fixed!

Continue reading “Our doggie Kaia just had some organs removed (spayed) and I was surprised that she didn’t get the standard cone of shame” »

Feb 9, 2023

A CEO who sold his company for $800 million has helped build 4 $1 billion companies — here’s why he thinks investors should get in early on one of tech’s unsexy, neglected markets

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Bryan Johnson is 45 years old but, according to a new report, his test results show he has the heart of a 37-year-old and the lungs of a young adult.

Johnson is a biotech entrepreneur who hopes to game nature’s course of aging and have the organs and health of an 18-year-old by going through an intense data-driven experimental program he’s called Project Blueprint.

According to a recent Bloomberg profile of the CEO, Johnson could spend up to $2 million on his body this year and there are early glimpses that show he may be on track to unlocking the secret to age reversal.

Continue reading “A CEO who sold his company for $800 million has helped build 4 $1 billion companies — here’s why he thinks investors should get in early on one of tech’s unsexy, neglected markets” »

Feb 9, 2023

Continuation of our gifting session. Today we gift Chukwuemeka Obi one of our pioneer students an iPhone 6 phone to enable him to browse and attend Zoom meetings. We need more of these phones and laptops to gift our students

Posted by in categories: computing, mobile phones

We gift Chukwuemeka Obi one of our pioneer students an iPhone 6 phone to enable him to browse and attend Zoom meetings. We need more of these phones and laptops to gift our students.

Feb 9, 2023

Lonnie Reid joined NASA in 1961 as an aeronautics research engineer and became nationally recognized in turbomachinery for his knowledge of flow in advanced aerospace propulsion systems

Posted by in category: space

More on Dr. Reid’s 32-year career at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Ohio:


Feb 9, 2023

Japanese Research Project aims to Create Earth Like Artificial Gravity

Posted by in categories: habitats, space travel

Researchers at Kyoto University have joined forces with contractor Kajima Corp. to develop gravity-defying habitats required for use on the Moon and Mars, complete with their own transportation system.

The researcher’s ambitious idea also comes with a space train that is set to function like trains on Earth while at the same time generating artificial gravity.

#SpaceHabitat #Space #Gravity #SpaceTravel #SpaceTrain

Feb 9, 2023

The Enemy of my Enemy is AI

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, robotics/AI

Professors complain that some students are turning in papers written by ChatGPT and other AI’s. This means the whole paradigm of how we teach students has got to change. And fast.

The potential of our brains is being wasted by the old paradigm of education and how we’ve been mechanized by The Industrial Age.

The qualia it takes to do what tradesmen like welders and mechanics and plummer’s do cannot be easily automated or coded and will soon be at a premium. Professionals like doctors and attorneys and professors, for that matter can easily be replaced by AI.

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