This significantly reduced the limitations of internal loss and phase noise.
Researchers at EPFL and the Max Planck Institute have incorporated nonlinear optical phenomena into a transmission electron microscope (TEM), which uses electrons for imaging instead of light.
Nonlinear optics, the study of unpredictable light behavior in materials, has applications in various fields, from laser development to quantum information science. Integrating nonlinear optics into a TEM enables complex light interactions on a small chip, allowing for the miniaturization of devices in applications such as optical signal processing, telecommunications, sensing, and spectroscopy.
🤔 Alef Aeronautics’ drivable flying car takes its maiden flight in a city field. The development team has introduced the Alef Model A, the dubbed production version of the drivable flying car that has vertical take-off and landing capabilities. On February 19th, 2025, its test model takes off, even flying over another vehicle. In a LinkedIn post, Alef Aeronautics CEO Jim Dukhovny writes that the video showcasing the flight is ‘the first documented, verifiable flight of a flying car (an actual car, with vertical takeoff, non-tethered).’
*This is an old, but new post. Some people have posted about the same car years ago.
Prof. Mitch LI’s team from the Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD) was cordially invited to be the guest speaker of “Members’ Day: Sci-Fi or not?”, organized by Hong Kong Science Museum on Mar 28, 2024 to showcase the innovative 3D food printing technology.
Even light-speed signals can’t reach galaxies beyond 18 billion light-years due to space expanding too fast.
In an expanding Universe, galaxies beyond 18 billion light-years are unreachable, even if we send a light-speed signal today. The expansion of space, not objects themselves, causes these galaxies to appear as though they’re moving faster than light. As space expands, light is stretched, a process called redshift, making galaxies seem to accelerate away from us. This phenomenon doesn’t break the laws of relativity since space itself isn’t bound by the speed of light. The farther we look, the more we realize that many galaxies will remain beyond our reach forever.
A component found in all fungi may provide a shield that prevents flu-related lung damage, according to a new Canadian study.
The preclinical trial uncovered how beta-glucan—which is found in all mushrooms, and also yeast, oats, and barley—can ‘reprogram’ immune cells to prevent lung inflammation.
A team of scientists at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, demonstrated that administering the compound to mice before their exposure to influenza, reduced lung damage, improve lung function and lowered the risk of illness and death.
Scientists still don’t know how microplastics impact human health, but they do have ideas for stopping their spread.
Despite its success, FNP has some limitations: it can’t create stable particles larger than 400 nm, the maximum drug content is about 70 percent, the output is low, and it can only work with very hydrophobic (water-repelling) molecules. These issues arise because the particle core formation and particle stabilization happen simultaneously in FNP. The new SNaP process overcomes these limitations by separating the core formation and stabilization steps.
In the SNaP process, there are two mixing steps. First, the core components are mixed with water to start forming the particle core. Then, a stabilizing agent is added to stop the core growth and stabilize the particles. This second step must happen quickly, less than a few milliseconds after the first step, to control the particle size and prevent aggregation. Current SNaP setups connect two specialized mixers in series, controlling the delay time between steps. However, these setups face challenges, including high costs and difficulties in achieving short delay times needed for small particle formation.
A new approach using 3D printing has solved many of these challenges. Advances in 3D printing technology now allow the creation of precise, narrow channels needed for these mixers. The new design eliminates the need for external tubing between steps, allowing for shorter delay times and preventing leaks. The innovative stacked mixer design combines two mixers into a single setup, making the process more efficient and user-friendly.
Shanghai’s robotics revolution is here! At a cutting-edge startup, humanoid robots are being trained to navigate the real world-learning tasks from sorting objects to taking coffee. But how does Al collect and refine the data that powers these machines? We got access to a 2,000-square-meter data factory, where robots are trained through motion capture, human guidance, and real-world simulations. With China’s tech and supply chain advantages, could these humanoids become part of our daily lives sooner than we think? #HumanoidRobots #Al #FutureTech.
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