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May 31, 2024

Researchers Visualize Energetic Ion Flow in Fusion Devices

Posted by in category: nuclear energy

For the first time, scientists successfully track energetic ion flow through space and energy driven by electromagnetic waves in fusion plasmas.

May 31, 2024

Squishy magnetic microjoints bend the rules of microrobotics

Posted by in categories: materials, robotics/AI

Soft materials and magnetic fields enable a new generation of dexterous, fast-moving microrobotic joints for complex object manipulation tasks.

May 31, 2024

NASA’s ChatGPT-like AI will let spaceships talk to astronauts

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space travel

NASA is developing a ChatGPT-style interface for future spacecraft, giving astronauts the ability to talk to the systems using natural language — and have the systems talk right back.

Space talk: In June 2018, a massive dust storm on Mars engulfed NASA’s Opportunity rover, cutting off communication with Earth. Eight months later, NASA announced an end to the rover’s 15-year Mars mission.

“The last message [NASA] received was basically, ‘My battery is low and it’s getting dark,’” tweeted science reporter Jacob Margolis after talking to NASA about the rover.

May 30, 2024

Cellular Origins and CGT Catapult partner to automate cell and gene therapy manufacturing

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Cellular Origins and the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (CGT Catapult) have announced a new collaboration to demonstrate universal automation of CGT manufacturing.

May 30, 2024

Even the smartest AI likely won’t be “alive.” Here’s why

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

33 years ago, the theoretical biologist Robert Rosen offered an answer to the question ‘Is life computable?’

May 30, 2024

Nanoscale engineering brings light-twisting materials to more extreme settings

Posted by in categories: engineering, nanotechnology, transportation

Imaging the hot turbulence of aircraft propulsion systems may now be possible with sturdy sheets of composite materials that twist light beams, according to research led by the University of Michigan and Air Force Research Laboratory.

May 30, 2024

A Relic of Ancient Oceans and Planetary Collisions — Scientists Shed New Light on Earth’s Mysterious D Layer

Posted by in category: space

New research suggests the mysterious D layer at Earth’s core-mantle boundary might have formed from remnants of an early colossal impact, with iron-rich peroxide playing a key role in its unique and enduring features.

Deep within Earth, there lies a mysterious layer called the D layer. Located roughly 3,000 kilometers down, this zone sits just above the boundary between the planet’s molten outer core and its solid mantle. Unlike a perfect sphere, the D layer is surprisingly patchy. Its thickness varies greatly from place to place, with some regions even lacking a D layer altogether – much like continents rise above the Earth’s oceans. These intriguing variations have captured the attention of geophysicists, who describe the D layer as a heterogeneous, or non-uniform, region.

A new study led by Dr. Qingyang Hu (Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research) and Dr. Jie Deng (Princeton University) suggests the D layer might be originated from Earth’s earliest days. Their theory hinges on the Giant Impact hypothesis, which proposes a Mars-sized object slammed into the proto-Earth, creating a planet-wide magma ocean in the aftermath. They believe the D layer may be a unique composition leftover from this colossal impact, potentially holding clues to Earth’s formation.

May 30, 2024

How Scientists Engineered the Unthinkable With New Hybrid Materials

Posted by in categories: engineering, materials

New materials engineered to be both stiff and heat-insulating could revolutionize thermal insulation applications in electronics.

Scientists have successfully engineered materials that are both rigid and effective at insulating against heat. This extremely rare combination of attributes offers significant potential for various applications, including the creation of new thermal insulation coatings for electronic devices.

“Materials that have a high elastic modulus tend to also be highly thermally conductive, and vice versa,” says Jun Liu, co-corresponding author of a paper on the work and an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University. “In other words, if a material is stiff, it does a good job of conducting heat. And if a material is not stiff, then it is usually good at insulating against heat.

May 30, 2024

New Quantum Dot Technology Improves Solar Cell Efficiency

Posted by in categories: chemistry, engineering, quantum physics, solar power, sustainability

A research team has developed a novel “pulse-shaped” light method to enhance the electrical conductivity of PbS quantum dot solar cells. This new technique, which replaces the lengthy traditional heat treatment process, generates substantial energy at regular intervals, significantly improving efficiency and addressing defects caused by light, heat, and moisture exposure. PbS quantum dots, known for their wide absorption range and low processing costs, are now more viable for commercial use. This advancement is expected to facilitate the broader application of quantum dot technology in optoelectronic devices. Credit:

A research team headed by Professor Jongmin Choi from the Department of Energy Science and Engineering at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology has successfully developed a “PbS quantum dot” capable of quickly improving the electrical conductivity of solar cells. This collaborative effort involved Professor Changyong Lim of the Department of Energy Chemical Engineering at Kyungpook National University, led by President Wonhwa Hong, and Professor Jongchul Lim from the Department of Energy Engineering at Chungnam National University, under the leadership of President Jeongkyoum Kim.

The team identified a method to enhance electrical conductivity through the use of “pulse-shaped” light, which generates substantial energy in a concentrated manner at regular intervals. This method could replace the heat treatment process, which requires a significant amount of time to achieve the same result. This approach is expected to facilitate the production and commercialization of PbS quantum dot solar cells in the future.

May 30, 2024

Neural étendue expander for ultra-wide-angle high-fidelity holographic display

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

All holographic displays and imaging techniques are fundamentally limited by the étendue supported by existing spatial light modulators. Here, the authors report on using artificial intelligence (AI) to learn an étendue expanding element that effectively increases étendue by two orders of magnitude.

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