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Mar 26, 2023

186 US banks at risk of failure similar to Silicon Valley Bank, says research; here’s why

Posted by in category: finance

A new report has found that 186 banks in the US are at risk of failure due to rising interest rates and a high proportion of uninsured deposits. The research, posted on the Social Science Research Network titled ‘Monetary Tightening and US Bank Fragility in 2023: Mark-to-Market Losses and Uninsured Depositor Runs?’ estimated the market value loss of individual banks’ assets during the Federal Reserve’s rate-increasing campaign. Assets such as Treasury notes and mortgage loans can decrease in value when new bonds have higher rates.

The study also examined the proportion of banks’ funding that comes from uninsured depositors with accounts worth over $250,000.

If half of the uninsured depositors quickly withdrew their funds from these 186 banks, even insured depositors may face impairments as the banks would not have enough assets to make all depositors whole. This could potentially force the FDIC to step in, according to the paper.

Mar 26, 2023

Tiny supercomputers could be made from the skeleton inside your cells

Posted by in categories: biological, singularity, supercomputing

Year 2018 😗😁 Biological singularity here we come 💜 😌 💕

Building a computer out of the skeletons that hold our cells together could make them smaller and far more energy efficient.

Mar 26, 2023

MetaHuman — Real-Time Facial Model Animation Demo | State of Unreal 2023

Posted by in category: mobile phones

Unreal Engine 5’s MetaHuman is getting a new update called Animator to create new fully animated facial models in real time with just a phone camera. The team from Ninja Theory, including Senua actor Melina Juergens shows this process in real time.

#IGN #Gaming #UnrealEngine5

Mar 26, 2023

Photosynthesis Further Explained Using Quantum Chemical Calculations

Posted by in categories: chemistry, energy, quantum physics

Photosynthesis is the process that plants, algae, and even certain species of bacteria use to convert sunlight into oxygen and chemical energy stored as sugar (aka gluclose). But what are the mechanisms behind one of nature’s most profound processes?

These are questions that a team of researchers led by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) hope to answer as they used quantum chemical calculations to examine a photosynthesis protein complex known as photosystem I (PSI) in hopes of better understanding the complete process of photosynthesis and how plants are able to convert sunlight to energy, specifically pertaining to how chlorophylls and the reaction center play their roles in the process.

Mar 26, 2023

GPT-4 has a trillion parameters

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI

GPT-4 is reportedly six times larger than GPT-3, according to a media report, and Elon Musk’s exit from OpenAI has cleared the way for Microsoft.

The US website Semafor, citing eight anonymous sources familiar with the matter, reports that OpenAI’s new GPT-4 language model has one trillion parameters. Its predecessor, GPT-3, has 175 billion parameters.

Semafor previously revealed Microsoft’s $10 billion investment in OpenAI and the integration of GPT-4 into Bing in January and February, respectively, before the official announcement.

Mar 26, 2023

New LHC experiments enter uncharted territory

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

Although neutrinos are produced abundantly in collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), until now no neutrinos produced in such a way had been detected. Within just nine months of the start of LHC Run 3 and the beginning of its measurement campaign, the FASER collaboration changed this picture by announcing its first observation of collider neutrinos at this year’s electroweak session of the Rencontres de Moriond. In particular, FASER observed muon neutrinos and candidate events of electron neutrinos. “Our statistical significance is roughly 16 sigma, far exceeding 5 sigma, the threshold for a discovery in particle physics,” explains FASER’s co-spokesperson Jamie Boyd.

In addition to its observation of neutrinos at a particle collider, FASER presented results on searches for dark photons. With a null result, the collaboration was able to set limits on previously unexplored parameter space and began to exclude regions motivated by dark matter. FASER aims to collect up to ten times more data over the coming years, allowing more searches and neutrino measurements.

FASER is one of two new experiments situated at either side of the ATLAS cavern to detect neutrinos produced in proton collisions in ATLAS. The complementary experiment, SND@LHC, also reported its first results at Moriond, showing eight muon neutrino candidate events. “We are still working on the assessment of the systematic uncertainties to the background. As a very preliminary result, our observation can be claimed at the level of 5 sigma,” adds SND@LHC spokesperson Giovanni De Lellis. The SND@LHC detector was installed in the LHC tunnel just in time for the start of LHC Run 3.

Mar 26, 2023

Levi’s will ‘supplement human models’ with AI-generated fakes

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, sustainability

Saw this coming 5 or 10 years back. Soon concept of being a model will be non existent. Probably by 2030. And, once can realistically animate and walk around and speak, end of actors and acting also.

Levi’s is partnering with an AI company on computer-generated fashion models to “supplement human models.” The company frames the move as part of a “digital transformation journey” of diversity, equity, inclusion and sustainability. Although that sounds noble on the surface, Levi’s is essentially hiring a robot to generate the appearance of diversity while ridding itself of the burden of paying human beings who represent the qualities it wants to be associated with its brand.

Levi Strauss is partnering with Amsterdam-based digital model studio for the initiative. Founded in 2019, the company’s mission is “to see more representation in the fashion industry” and “create an inclusive, sustainable, and diverse design chain.” It aims to let customers see what various fashion items would look like on a person who looks like them via “hyper-realistic” models “of every body type, age, size and skin tone.”

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Mar 26, 2023

Using Human Brain Cells in Rats to Understand Psychiatric Disorders with Dr. Sergiu Pasca

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, ethics, neuroscience

The journal Nature published a groundbreaking new study by world-renowned Stanford neuroscientist Sergiu Pasca involving the transfer of human brain organoids into the brains of rats. Insoo Hyun, Director of the Center for Life Sciences and Public Learning at the Museum of Science, speaks candidly with Dr. Pasca about his research. Why did he do it? How might this uncover the mysteries of psychiatric disorders? And the Big Question we are all wondering about – can these rats ever develop “human-like” consciousness? Together they demystify the science.

00:33 Dr. Sergiu Pasca’s Romanian roots.
00:55 Why is Dr. Pasca’s work important for Psychiatry?
04:14 Dr. Pasca’s work with human brain organoids.
06:14 Challenges with using animal brains when trying to unlock mysteries of human psychiatric disorders.
07:13 Reason for Dr. Pasca’s latest research transplanting human brain organoids into rat brains.
08:47 How the human brain organoid transplantation into a rat brain is accomplished.
10:19 What Dr. Pasca learned from his experiment and its importance.
12:02 Brain cells’ amazing ability to take over and organize themselves in appropriate environments.
13:03 Will animals with human brain organoids in their brain develop human-like consciousness?
17:30 Will manipulating human neurons in a rat change the behavior of the rat?
19:43 Application of rat experiment findings for human patients.
22:07 The ethics and regulation of using animals in scientific research.
25:25 Why context matters in research of transplanting human brain organoids into rat brains and the challenge of people backfilling science they might not understand with mythology and science fiction.
32:28 Dr. Pasca’s inspiration to work so hard to unlock the mysteries of psychiatric disorders.

Continue reading “Using Human Brain Cells in Rats to Understand Psychiatric Disorders with Dr. Sergiu Pasca” »

Mar 26, 2023

Welcome to the World of Human-Machine Synthesis

Posted by in category: futurism

🤖 Beeyond Ideas follows the story of Harry, the future human-machine synthesis.

Follow Harry’s adventure on Nex by subscribing to this channel.

Continue reading “Welcome to the World of Human-Machine Synthesis” »

Mar 26, 2023

Neutropenic precautions: 5 dos and don’ts for this cancer treatment side effect

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

You may already know that it’s important to wash your hands, wear a face mask and avoid sick people while neutropenic.

But is there anything else you should — or should not — be doing to avoid infections when you’re immunocompromised by a low white blood cell count during or after cancer treatment?

We spoke with internal medicine expert Carmen Escalante, M.D., for insight. Here are five precautions she shares with immunocompromised patients and their caregivers.