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May 19, 2023

Measuring Cosmic Expansion with a Lensed Supernova

Posted by in category: cosmology

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Edwin Hubble’s observation of a pulsating star called a Cepheid variable in the Andromeda nebula. The star was surprisingly faint, implying that it was very far away and that Andromeda must be a separate galaxy—the first evidence that our Milky Way is not alone. Hubble went on to uncover other galaxies and found that they were all moving away from us—a cosmic expansion characterized by the so-called Hubble constant. Astronomers have now used another star, an exploding supernova whose light was bent as it traveled to Earth, to probe the expansion [1]. By determining a time delay between different images of the supernova, the team has recovered a value of the Hubble constant that is lower than estimates based on Cepheids and on other distance markers. However, the error bars are large for the new measurement, so astronomers will need more observations to make lensed supernovae a precision speed check on cosmic expansion.

A lensed supernova is created by the light-bending power of gravity. When a supernova is behind a galaxy, relative to Earth, the light from the exploding star gets curved around the galaxy by the galaxy’s gravity. This action both distorts the star’s image and magnifies it, just like a magnifying glass. Sometimes this lensing can produce multiple images of the star, with each appearing at a different point in the sky. The light from such a set of images travels to Earth along different paths, and so arrives at Earth at different times. In 1964, the astronomer Sjur Refsdal proposed using the time delays to measure the Hubble constant. But detecting a multi-imaged supernova has proved tricky.

Luck finally came 50 years after Refsdal’s proposal. In a Hubble space telescope image from December 2014, Patrick Kelly, then at the University of California, Berkeley, and now at the University of Minnesota, spotted four lensed images of the same supernova [2]. The team was unable to determine the exact time delays between these images, but from previous observations of this part of the sky, Kelly and his colleagues predicted that a fifth image was on the way. This expectation was based on the spotted supernova sitting behind a galaxy cluster, rather than a single galaxy, so the supernova light had multiple paths to reach Earth. The astronomers kept a steady watch, and sure enough the fifth image appeared in December 2015, roughly 376 days after the other four images. This long time delay, which was caused by the cluster’s large mass density, was a boon to the cosmic expansion measurement.

May 19, 2023

Record Precision for Hydrogen Spectroscopy Measurements

Posted by in category: quantum physics

Measurements of the “hyperfine” splitting of certain electronic levels of hydrogen have broken precision records, potentially enabling precise tests of quantum electrodynamics.

May 19, 2023

Topologically structured light detects the position of nano-objects with atomic resolution

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology

Optical imaging and metrology techniques are key tools for research rooted in biology, medicine and nanotechnology. While these techniques have recently become increasingly advanced, the resolutions they achieve are still significantly lower than those attained by methods using focused beams of electrons, such as atomic-scale transmission electron spectroscopy and cryo-electron tomography.

Researchers at University of Southampton and Nanyang Technological University have recently introduced a non-invasive approach for with atomic-scale resolution. Their proposed approach, outlined in Nature Materials, could open exciting new possibilities for research in a variety of fields, allowing scientists to characterize systems or phenomena at the scale of a fraction of a billionth of a meter.

“Since the nineteen century, improvements of spatial resolution of microscopy has been a major trend in science that has been marked with at least seven Nobel Prizes,” Nicolay I. Zheludev, one of the researchers who carried out the study told “Our dream was to develop technology that can detect atomic scale events with light, and we have been working on this for the last three years.”

May 19, 2023

New data-driven algorithm can forecast the mortality risk for certain cardiac surgery patients

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, information science, robotics/AI

A machine learning-based method developed by a Mount Sinai research team allows medical facilities to forecast the mortality risk for certain cardiac surgery patients. The new method is the first institution-specific model for determining the risk of a cardiac patient before surgery and was developed using vast amounts of Electronic Health Data (EHR).

Comparing the data-driven approach to the current population-derived models reveals a considerable performance improvement.

May 19, 2023

AI therapy: Voice-assisted Lumen app hopes to help people with mild depression and anxiety

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, robotics/AI

Researchers hope the new app can help bridge the gap between supply and demand for mental health support.

Asking an AI chatbot to give a rundown on Napoleonic wars is fine. But using a chatbot service for a therapy session?

Even ChatGPT suggests going to a traditional mental health practitioner when you pour your heart out to the AI – perhaps because the most important element of therapy is the client-therapist relationship.

May 19, 2023

UK telecoms giant BT plans to slash 55,000 jobs, with 10,000 being replaced by AI ‘by the end of the decade’

Posted by in categories: business, employment, robotics/AI

The announcement comes shortly after IBM announced it would replace 7,800 jobs with AI.

After IBM’s CEO, earlier this month, announced that the company could easily replace at least 7,800 human personnel with artificial intelligence (AI) over the next five years, another startling announcement in the ‘Will AI replace humans’ debate has come to the fore.

BT, a prominent British multinational telecommunications firm, said it will become a ‘leaner business’ as it announced its plans to shed up to 55,000 jobs by the end of the decade, mostly in the United Kingdom. The company also announced that approximately 10,000 of its workforce will be replaced by AI, said a report by The Guardian.

May 19, 2023

Students’ future in question after lecturer fails entire class for using ChatGPT

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

According to RollingStone, and other news outlets, a group of students at Texas A&M University-Commerce’s graduations is in question after being accused of using ChatGPT for their essays.

A Texas A&M University-Commerce professor has taken drastic action to fail all his students after suspecting them of using ChatGPT to write their papers. This decision has now delayed them from passing their diplomas. According to RollingStone, the professor, Dr. Jard Mumm, the decision appears flawed as he used the natural language processing software to analyze each essay and judge whether it generated it.


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May 19, 2023

NASA’s Wild Fabric Is Basically Chain Mail From the Future

Posted by in categories: futurism, space

Year 2017 😗😁

The shiny space fabric pulls triple duty.

May 19, 2023

Don’t get scammed by fake ChatGPT apps: Here’s what to look out for

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

ChatGPT is a wildly popular AI chatbot and scammers are happy to try to take advantage of that — and you.

May 19, 2023

Exploring the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Metaverse

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, internet, robotics/AI, virtual reality

Artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse are some of the most captivating technologies of the 21st century so far. Both are believed to have the potential to change many aspects of our lives, disrupt different industries, and enhance the efficiency of traditional workflows. While these two technologies are often looked at separately, they’re more connected than we may think. Before we explore the relationship between AI and the metaverse, let’s start by defining both terms.

The metaverse is a concept describing a hypothetical future design of the internet. It features an immersive, 3D online world where users are represented by custom avatars and access information with the help of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and similar technologies. Instead of accessing the internet via their screens, users access the metaverse via a combination of the physical and digital. The metaverse will enable people to socialize, play, and work alongside others in different 3D virtual spaces.

A similar arrangement was described in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science-fiction novel Snow Crash. While it was perceived as a fantasy mere three decades ago, it seems like it could become a reality sooner rather than later. Although the metaverse isn’t fully in existence yet, some online platforms incorporate elements of it. For example, video games like Fortnite and Horizon World port multiple elements of our day-to-day lives into the online world.