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In an unprecedented move, precision medicine provider Human Longevity, Inc. (HLI) has effectively guaranteed its Executive Health Program members that it will prevent them from developing late stage prostate cancer. Such is the company’s belief in its preventive approach, it has announced it is committing $1 million for advanced treatment of any member diagnosed with stage four of the disease or higher while under its care.

Founded in 2013 by genomics pioneer Dr J Craig Venter, San Francisco-based Human Longevity Inc. (HLI) aims to extend human health and performance beyond the traditional focus on treating illness. By continuously analyzing health data from its clients, HLI seeks to identify potential health risks – such as prostate cancer – early, enabling targeted interventions to extend both healthspan and lifespan.

Leveraging data collected from more than 5,000 men over the past decade, HLI claims it has developed what it believes to be the most advanced algorithm for early prostate cancer detection. As preventive medicine continues to demonstrate its capacity to mitigate previously life-threatening conditions, will we see commitments of this nature emerging for more diseases?

UC Riverside and its partners are exploring antiferromagnetic spintronics, a tech that could unlock lightning-fast, ultra-dense memory and smarter computing through quantum mechanics. The University of California, Riverside has been awarded nearly $4 million through the UC National Laboratory Fee

JILA researchers are pioneering a nuclear clock using thorium-229, which offers unprecedented stability compared to atomic clocks.

By embedding thorium into a solid-state crystal, they have found a nuclear transition largely resistant to temperature changes, crucial for precision timekeeping. Their work could not only redefine timekeeping but also open doors to detecting new physics.

Pushing Beyond Atomic Clocks

Researchers have created a tiny, shape-shifting robot that swims, crawls, and glides freely in the deep sea.

Developed by a team at the Beihang University in China, the robot operated at a depth of 10,600 meters in the Mariana Trench.

Using the same actuator technology, a soft gripper mounted on a submersible’s rigid arm successfully retrieved sea urchins and starfish from the South China Sea, demonstrating its capability for deep-sea exploration and specimen collection.

Chyba and his team tilted the cylinder precisely at 57 degrees, orienting it perpendicular to both Earth’s magnetic field and its rotational motion. Electrodes attached at each end measured an unmistakable — but minuscule — direct current voltage of about 18 microvolts. Rotate the cylinder 90 degrees, and the voltage vanished. Reverse the cylinder, and the voltage flipped. Control tests with solid cylinders produced no voltage at all. The device was carefully shielded from external interference, such as temperature fluctuations and background electromagnetic noise, to ensure the results were accurate.

“It has a whiff of a perpetual motion machine,” Chyba told Physics Magazine, acknowledging the skepticism his results would inevitably invite. But the physics, he insisted, was sound. The electricity, though tiny, genuinely appeared to flow from Earth’s spin.

The current generated by the device is proportional to its size and the strength of Earth’s magnetic field, which is relatively weak. To produce meaningful amounts of power, the device would need to be much larger or made of materials with even more favorable properties. The researchers speculate that future versions could be miniaturized and connected in series to amplify the voltage, or deployed in space where Earth’s magnetic field is stronger.