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Sep 2, 2023

Watch A Weird Humanoid Robot Install Drywall by Itself

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Check out Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) new robot. The company released a video that is bound to have all other robotic firms worrying. This slightly creepy, yet super handy, humanoid machine may just be the most helpful robot yet!

Sep 2, 2023

Neutron-rich nuclei reveal first observation of rare isotope

Posted by in category: physics

Aleksandarnakovski / iStock.

The Tokyo Institute of Technology scientists in Japan created the O28 isotope with eight protons and 20 neutrons. Yosuke Kondo led the study.

Sep 2, 2023

An energy-efficient object detection system for UAVs based on edge computing

Posted by in categories: drones, internet, robotics/AI

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, are already used in countless settings to tackle real-world problems. These flying robotic systems can, among other things, help to monitor natural environments, detect fires or other environmental hazards, monitor cities and find survivors of natural disasters.

To tackle all of these missions effectively, UAVs should be able to reliably detect targets and objects of interest in their surroundings. Computer scientists have thus been trying to devise new computational techniques that could enable these capabilities, using deep learning or other approaches.

Researchers at Yunnan University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently introduced a new object-detection system based on edge computing. Their proposed system, introduced in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, could provide UAVs with the ability to spot relevant objects and targets in their surroundings without significantly increasing their power-consumption.

Sep 2, 2023

A smart color-changing flexible battery with ultra-high efficiency

Posted by in categories: energy, wearables

With the rapid growth of the smart and wearable electronic devices market, smart next-generation energy storage systems that have energy storage functions as well as additional color-changing properties are receiving a great deal of attention. However, existing electrochromic devices have low electrical conductivity, leading to low efficiency in electron and ion mobility, and low storage capacities. Such batteries have therefore been limited to use in flexible and wearable devices.

On August 21, a joint research team led by Professor Il-Doo Kim from the KAIST Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) and Professor Tae Gwang Yun from the Myongji University Department of Materials Science and Engineering announced the development of a smart electrochromic Zn-ion battery that can visually represent its charging and discharging processes using an electrochromic polymer anode incorporated with a “π-bridge spacer,” which increases electron and efficiency.

Their research was published as an inside cover article for Advanced Materials on August 3 under the title, “A π-Bridge Spacer Embedded Electron Donor-Acceptor Polymer for Flexible Electrochromic Zn-Ion Batteries.”

Sep 2, 2023

US Army Brags About Plans to Mount Rifle on Robot Dog

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

Id wonder, and Doubt, if it could handle recoil. Weapons on Dog bots and Mini Uav s i would of liked to see would use electric centrifuge weapons, recoilless weapons, but development on has stalled also.

The brain geniuses at the Pentagon have decided that a good use of the taxpayer dollar is to attach rifles onto robot dogs, because why the hell not, right?

As reports, a spokesperson for the US Army said that the branch is considering arming remote-controlled robot dogs with state-of-the-art rifles as part of its plan to “explore the realm of the possible” in the future of combat.

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Sep 2, 2023

New tech is step towards lab-grown blood vessels

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering

Innovative technology that creates ultra-thin layers of human cells in tube-like structures could spur development of lifelike blood vessels and intestines in the lab.

The technique, known as RIFLE – rotational internal flow layer engineering – enables the construction of separate layers as delicate as one cell thick.

Such versatility is crucial to developing accurate human models of layered tubular tissue for use in research, offering an important alternative to animal models, experts say.

Sep 2, 2023

Mass and Angular Momentum, Left Ambiguous by Einstein, Get Defined

Posted by in category: futurism

Surprisingly, 107 years after the introduction of general relativity, the meanings of basic concepts are still being worked out.

Sep 2, 2023

AI Tools for Graphic Designers in 2023

Posted by in categories: employment, robotics/AI

What is an AI Graphic Design Tool?

Artificial intelligence (AI) models human intelligence processes in computers and computer-controlled robots. This enables computer systems to undertake arduous jobs, allowing people to concentrate on more vital matters.

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Sep 2, 2023

NASA and DARPA to Test Nuclear-Powered Rocket for Future Mars Missions

Posted by in categories: economics, nuclear energy, space travel

In a Nutshell…

Conclusively, the partnership between NASA and DARPA to test a nuclear-powered rocket for future Mars missions marks a significant milestone in space exploration. The use of a nuclear thermal rocket engine offers several benefits including faster transit times, increased science payload capacity, and higher power for instrumentation and communication. These advancements will play a crucial role in helping NASA meet its Moon-to-Mars objectives and establish a space transportation capability for the Earth-Moon economy. Moreover, the successful demonstration of the DRACO program could have far-reaching implications for future space exploration efforts. The nuclear thermal propulsion technology could be used for not just crewed missions to Mars but also for other deep space missions, enabling humans to journey faster than ever before. This collaboration between NASA and DARPA brings together the best of both worlds, and the successful outcome of this project will be a major achievement in advancing space technology. The future looks bright for the space industry, and with more innovations like the DRACO program, we may be able to explore even more of our universe in the years to come.

Sep 2, 2023

Polaris on course to develop hypersonic spaceplane Aurora

Posted by in categories: economics, space travel

Last week, it successfully completed a flight of Mira-Light, a scaled-down version of its fourth demonstrator flight Mira, scheduled for its inaugural flight by year-end.