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Aug 25, 2023

Artificial Intelligence & The Singularity — Dr. Ben Goertzel

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, singularity

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Dr Ben Goertzel is a cross-disciplinary scientist, futurist, author and entrepreneur, who has spent the best part of his working life focused on creating benevolent superhuman artificial general intelligence (AGI).

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Aug 25, 2023

What is life like elsewhere in the Universe?

Posted by in category: futurism

Whether or not life exists elsewhere in the Universe, we can be assured of one thing: We are the only human beings in the cosmos.

Aug 25, 2023

The 9 prophetic visions of Philip K Dick

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

One of the most surrealist anc controversial science fiction writers.

We are living in strange times. Politics. Society. Culture wars. Things have gone weird. We’re looking for knowledge and wisdom to guide us in strange times.

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Aug 25, 2023

Team identifies 169 genes associated with production of melanin in the skin, hair and eyes

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

A team of geneticists and systems biologists at Stanford University has associated 169 genes that with the production of melanin in the skin, hair and eyes. In their study, reported in the journal Science, the group conducted a flow cytometry analysis and genome-wide CRISPR screen of cell samples.

Prior research has shown that the production and distribution of melanin in the body is responsible for , and eye pigmentation. Such characteristics are important for more than appearance’s sake; skin with more melanin, for example, is better able to protect against . In this new effort, the researchers noted that while many of the genes responsible for melanin production have been identified, many more have not.

The researchers began with an effort to differentiate high and low melanin melanocytes—the cells that make melanin. They used the light-reflecting properties of melanin to sort cells in a lab dish by aiming a fluorescent lamp at them. Once they had the cells sorted, they edited them using CRISPR-Cas9. Genes were systematically mutated to switch them off and then tested to see how well the cell continued to produce melanin.

Aug 25, 2023

Moving around moon, India’s moon rover leaving its imprint on lunar soil

Posted by in category: space

India’s moon rover is now also on the moon, moving around and leaving its imprint on the soil, said a senior official of the Indian space agency.

“The rover rolled down onto the moon surface from the lander sometime around 12.30 a.m. Thursday. It is moving around. It is leaving its imprint on the moon’s surface,” Dr. S. Unnikrishnan Nair, Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) told IANS.

The logo of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the national emblem have been engraved on the wheels of the rover to leave the imprint when it moves around.

Aug 25, 2023

Neuroscience Breakthrough — New Images Capture Unseen Details of the Synapse

Posted by in categories: chemistry, neuroscience

Scientists have created one of the most detailed 3D images of the synapse.

A synapse is a specialized junction between nerve cells that allows for the transfer of electrical or chemical signals, through the release of neurotransmitters by the presynaptic neuron and the binding of receptors on the postsynaptic neuron. It plays a key role in communication between neurons and in various physiological processes including perception, movement, and memory.

Aug 25, 2023

Quantum ‘yin-yang’ shows two photons being entangled in real-time

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

The stunning experiment, which reconstructs the properties of entangled photons from a 2D interference pattern, could be used to design faster quantum computers.

Aug 25, 2023

A map of every conceivable molecule could be possible with AI

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, robotics/AI

A map of all chemicals that places compounds with similar properties next to each other could speed up the process of discovery for everything from drugs to materials.

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

Aug 25, 2023

This Tech CEO Just Got $4.2 Billion Richer Overnight

Posted by in category: futurism

As Nvidia’s stock soars so does Jensen Huang’s personal fortune.

Aug 25, 2023

Zoom CEO reportedly badmouthed Zoom meetings in leaked call

Posted by in category: futurism

Zoom CEO Eric Yuan reportedly aired out his grievances about the product he founded, during a company meeting.