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Sep 17, 2023

Announcing Stable Audio, a product for music & sound generation

Posted by in categories: media & arts, robotics/AI

Stable Audio is a first-of-its-kind product that uses the latest generative AI techniques to deliver faster, higher-quality music and sound effects via an easy-to-use web interface. Stability AI offers a basic free version of Stable Audio, which can be used to generate and download tracks of up to 45 seconds, and a ‘Pro’ subscription, which delivers 90-second tracks that are downloadable for commercial projects.

“As the only independent, open and multimodal generative AI company, we are thrilled to use our expertise to develop a product in support of music creators,” said Emad Mostaque, CEO of Stability AI. “Our hope is that Stable Audio will empower music enthusiasts and creative professionals to generate new content with the help of AI, and we look forward to the endless innovations it will inspire.”

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Sep 17, 2023

DNA and Behavioral Genetics — Robert Plomin

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Serious Science —

Behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin on twin studies, genetic influence of parents on their children, and 1% of DNA that makes people different.

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Sep 17, 2023

The Penultimate Truth by Philip K. Dick (Jack Fox)

Posted by in category: futurism

The Penultimate Truth.
by Philip K. Dick.
Read by Jack Fox.
Originally issued by NLS on cassette in 1991
“A nuclear holocaust has forced humans to seek shelter and safety underground. For fifteen years the survivors have lived in warrens, sustained and exhorted by the patriotic speeches of an unseen president. He urges them to produce more and better armaments. Three people, writer Joseph Adams, physician Carol Tigh, and Nick St. James, band together to go above ground and discover the truth.“
Chapter list:
00:00:00 — (i) Book info.
00:02:07 — (01)
00:16:17 — (02)
00:38:42 — (03)
00:53:19 — (04)
01:08:43 — (05)
01:24:31 — (06)
01:47:17 — (07)
02:02:07 — (08)
02:21:33 — (09)
02:25:56 — (10)
02:53:04 — (11)
03:05:12 — (12)
03:15:53 — (13)
03:33:39 — (14)
03:41:03 — (15)
04:03:43 — (16)
04:12:55 — (17)
04:25:56 — (18)
04:36:26 — (19)
04:44:44 — (20)
04:53:34 — (21)
05:09:36 — (22)
05:25:08 — (23)
05:46:50 — (24)
06:04:18 — (25)
06:25:27 — (26)
06:43:38 — (27)
07:00:50 — (28)
07:10:17 — (29)
07:30:02 — (30)

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Sep 17, 2023

Scientists Create First 3D Printed Wagyu Beef

Posted by in category: futurism

The cultured cut matches the texture and marbling of the famous Japanese meat.

Sep 17, 2023

Tesla Developing Gigacasting Breakthrough; U.S. BEV Sales Soar — Autoline Daily 3648

Posted by in categories: finance, robotics/AI, sustainability, transportation

Autoline reports breaking global car news, with great insight and analysis. Also, top auto executive interviews. We cover electric vehicles (EV), autonomous vechicles (AV) and internal combustion engine technology (ICE), as well as car sales & financial earnings snd new car reviews.

0:00 UAW Lays Out Stand Up Strike Strategy.
1:41 Ford Fumes After UAW Rejects Counter Offer.
3:12 Tesla Develops Gigacasting Breakthrough.
5:23 China Upset Over EU EV Investigation.
6:06 U.S. BEV Sales Soar 67% Through July.
6:41 GMC Unveils All-New Acadia.
7:39 Cadillac Updates CT5 Sedan.
8:16 Jeep Gladiator Gets Slight Refresh.
8:42 Volvo Adds Video Streaming to Its Cars.

Continue reading “Tesla Developing Gigacasting Breakthrough; U.S. BEV Sales Soar — Autoline Daily 3648” »

Sep 17, 2023

To stave off Alzheimer’s, protect your brain’s mitochondria

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Decades of Alzheimer’s research might have missed a cellular culprit hiding in plain sight: the cellular powerhouses known as mitochondria.

Sep 17, 2023

A nonrelativistic and nonmagnetic mechanism for generating terahertz waves

Posted by in categories: materials, nanotechnology

Scientists and engineers keep developing ever faster and more powerful technological devices. But there is a need for even faster and more efficient electronics. A promising route is to take advantage of terahertz waves, a less-explored part of the electromagnetic spectrum nestled between the infrared and microwave regions. Terahertz waves are uniquely sensitive to charge carriers in conducting systems, proving a powerful probe to understand the magnetic properties of new materials.

The quest for ultrafast electronics and coherent sources can be significantly aided by the precise and ultrafast control of light-induced charge currents at nanoscale interfaces.

Existing methods, including inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE), inverse Rashba–Edelstein effect, and inverse spin-orbit-torque effect, convert longitudinally injected spin-polarized currents from to transverse charge currents, thus generating . However, these relativistic mechanisms rely on external magnetic fields and suffer from low spin-polarization rates and relativistic spin-to-charge conversion efficiencies characterized by spin-Hall angle.

Sep 17, 2023

The H Collective Launches AI, Web3 & Metaverse Label H3 Entertainment, Still Working On ‘Brightburn’ Sequel

Posted by in categories: entertainment, media & arts, robotics/AI

The company making the film; Brightburn 2 will be using AI and other technologies for its film making process.

EXCLUSIVE: The duo behind Brightburn producer The H Collective are launching H3 Entertainment, a company they say will look to integrate the Metaverse, Web3 and AI into a slate of films.

According to its founders Mark Rau and Kent Huang, at a time of industry sensitivity around the use of AI, the model will “respect professionals and fans while promoting responsible technology integration”.

Continue reading “The H Collective Launches AI, Web3 & Metaverse Label H3 Entertainment, Still Working On ‘Brightburn’ Sequel” »

Sep 17, 2023

Several Colombian government ministries hampered by ransomware attack

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, government, health

Multiple prominent government ministries in Colombia are responding to a ransomware attack that is forcing officials to make significant operational changes.

This week, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the country’s Judiciary Branch and the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce announced that a cyberattack on technology provider IFX Networks Colombia had caused a range of problems limiting the ability of both departments to function.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection said it began facing issues on Tuesday after IFX Networks told them of problems affecting their data center.

Sep 17, 2023

IoT Sparks New DDoS Alert

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, finance, transportation

When the botnet floods the target with excessive requests, service failures occur which jeopardize the availability of the targeted system and even put the integrity of the whole infrastructure at risk. When aimed against essential infrastructures such as healthcare or transportation, the hazards go beyond financial and reputational harm to endangering people’s lives.

Incorporating IoT Devices into Botnets

IoT devices that are unpatched, unattended, or misconfigured, or are already under botnet DDoS attack, are at risk of being incorporated into a botnet. To expand the botnet, an attacker hacks new IoT devices. This process involves two entities: the botnet itself and the loader server, a special server that infects other devices.