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One of the most fundamental interactions in physics is that of electrons and light. In an experiment at Goethe University Frankfurt, scientists have now managed to observe what is known as the Kapitza-Dirac effect for the first time in full temporal resolution. This effect was first postulated more than 90 years ago, but only now are its finest details coming to light.

Self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) represent a three-dimensional confined nanostructure with discrete energy levels, which are similar to atoms. They are capable of producing highly efficient and indistinguishable single photons on demand and are important for exploring fundamental quantum physics and various applications in quantum information technologies. Leveraging traditional semiconductor processes, this material system also offers a natural integration-compatible and scalable platform.

Researchers at Fudan University in China have recently been trying to identify new promising quantum anomalous Hall insulators. Their latest paper, published in Physical Review Letters, outlines the unique characteristics of monolayer V2MX4, which could belong to a new family of quantum anomalous Hall insulators.

“Finding intrinsic quantum anomalous Hall materials is an important goal in topological material research,” Jing Wang, co-author of the paper, told “After we predicted MnBi2Te4, a paradigm example of magnetic topological and exhibiting quantum anomalous Hall effect in odd layer, we have been thinking about finding new intrinsic quantum anomalous Hall insulator with large gap.”

Large-gap quantum anomalous Hall insulator materials exhibit a quantum anomalous Hall effect with a relatively large energy gap between the valence and . These materials should exhibit a synergy between two seemingly conflicting properties, namely spin-orbit coupling and ferromagnetism.